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Philodendron dryanderae Croat & D.C.Bay
Hemiepiphytic; stem scandent; internodes 3–9 x 0.4–5 cm, longer than broad, green to olive to light brown, striate, epidermis with longitudinal ridges, flaking, drying yellowish tan, sap red; roots few per node, reddish brown; cataphylls 13–18 cm, sharply 1- ribbed, sometimes with a second weak rib, bright white, drying reddish brown, deciduous when intact. LEAVES spreading; petioles 15–21 cm x 3–5 mm (dry), terete, obtusely flattened adaxially, broadly sulcate at base for 2–4 cm, light to medium green, drying dark olive-green; geniculum ca. 1 cm, drying dark brown and shrivelled; blades ovate, coriaceous to subcoriaceous, slightly bicolorous, mucronate or sometimes acuminate at apex, cordate at base, 14.5– 25 x 11–19 cm, 1.3–1.5x longer than wide, 0.9– 1.2(–1.4)x longer than petiole, margins rounded, adaxial surface semiglossy, medium green, drying glossy dark olive-green, abaxial surface paler, drying glossy and paler; anterior lobe 11.5–19 x 11–19 cm, 2.4–2.7x longer than posterior lobe, broadest close to middle; posterior lobe 4.3–8 x 5–8.5 cm, rounded; sinus parabolic to spatulate, 3–5.5 cm deep; midrib broadly convex and paler than surface adaxially, convex and paler than surface abaxially; primary lateral veins 2 to 4 per side, 2–3.8 cm apart, spreading from midrib at 60º angles, down-turned at midrib, curving broadly out to margins, weakly sunken adaxially, weakly pleated-raised abaxially; basal veins 3 to 4 pairs per side, with 1 free to base, 2 to 3 coalesced to 2.5 cm, posterior rib naked to 1 cm; minor veins moderately obscure, arising from midrib. INFLORESCENCES 3 to 6 per axil; peduncle 3.5– 6.5 cm x 3–6 mm (dry), shorter than petiole, light green, sometimes speckled with red, clearly demarcated from spathe; spathe 4–5 cm, semiglossy, constricted above tube; spathe blade 2–2.5 cm, outside white to yellow-white, inside white; spathe tube 2–3 cm, outside reddish maroon, inside white to cream; spadix protruding forward at anthesis, sessile, 3–4.8 cm; pistillate portion pale green, cylindrical to slightly clavate, 1.3–2 cm x 7–8 mm at widest point (dry); staminate portion oblong, creamy white, 2.3–3.2 cm long, narrower than pistillate portion; sterile staminate portion ca. 3 mm; pistils ca. 0.6 mm diam.; ovary 4- to 5-locular, ovules with basal placentation, 1 per locule. INFRUCTESCENCE unknown.