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Aglaodorum griffithii (Schott) Schott
Small to medium sized, moderately robust, helophytic colony-forming herbs, to 55 cm tall. Stem rhizomatous, spongy, much-branched, ca 2 cm diam. Leaves several to many together, erect; petioles terete, spongy, 15–25 × 1–1.5 cm, sheath very short; leaf blade oblanceolate to oblong, thick, 25–40 × 9–11 cm; midrib very thick; primary lateral veins pinnate, weakly differentiated; higher order venation parallel-pinnate. Inflorescence solitary; peduncle terete, 10–22 × ca 1 cm, subequal to petiole, erect during anthesis, declinate in fruit; spathe oblong, cuspidate, convolute, erect, not differentiated into a lower tube and upper limb, 5–7 × ca 2 cm (furled), green at anthesis, then yellow and later marcescent; spadix stipitate, ± cylindrical, a little shorter than spathe, ca 4.5–6 cm; pistillate flower zone with a single whorl of flowers; comprising an oblong-cylindrical pistil, ca 3 mm diam., surrounded by a whorl of 1–3 shorter prismatic staminodes; stigma pale yellow; staminate flower zone subcylindrical, fertile to apex, a mass of undifferentiated flowers; staminate flowers ca 2–3 mm across, white. Infructescence ultimately declinate, few-fruited; fruit an obovoid to ellipsoid dorso-ventrally compressed berry, ca 3 × 1 cm, pericarp very thick, longitudinally 2-carinate on one or both narrow sides, green, floating. Seed large, ellipsoid, testa thin, smooth, germinating within the pericarp then rupturing the attachment end to emerge as several falcate cataphylls.