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Apoballis brevipes (Hook.f.) S.Y.Wong & P.C.Boyce
Stem epigeal, pleionanthic, to ca 30 cm long × ca 8 mm diam., decumbent, creeping to decumbent-trailing. Leaves 1–6 per module; petiole ca 15 cm long × ca 3 mm diam., the margins minutely alate and sometimes crisped, slightly asperous, minutely hairy/spinulous (hand-lens required), pale green to purplish, sheathing in the lower ½–¾; petiolar sheath fully attached, tending to degrade at least in the upper half, becoming dark brown and flaking shortly after the emergence of the enclosed leaf; leaf blade ca 9–12 × 4–6 cm, pale to mid-green, slightly glossy to dull, tinged bronze when young, (elliptic to) ovate, widest about the mid-point, the base obtuse to rather weakly cordate with posterior lobes (0–) ca 8 mm long, tip acute to weakly acuminate, margin smooth to weakly undulate; midrib abaxially prominent; primary lateral veins 6–9 on each side, ca 1 cm apart; interprimary veins irregularly present; secondary venation flush adaxially and abaxially, arising from the midrib and the bases of the primary veins; tertiary venation faintly visible adaxially, forming a tessellate reticulum. Inflorescences 1–5 together; peduncle to ca 5 cm, thin, 2.5 mm diam., erect at anthesis, then dangling; spathe 5.5–7.5 cm long; lower spathe narrow ovoid, to 3.5 × ca 1.5 cm, green; spathe limb persistent until well after anthesis, then deliquescing, lanceolate, acuminate tipped, opening only slightly, the distal portion remaining convolute, with only the ventral part of the staminate zone exposed; spadix 5–6 cm long; pistillate flower zone 2–2.5 cm long, more or less cylindrical, slightly curved towards dorsal side of spathe, obliquely inserted to adnate for ca ⅓ its length; pistils ca 0.75 mm diam., globose-polyhedral, pale green, somewhat distant and sometimes patchily distributed; style absent; stigma globose; interpistillar staminodes numerous, irregularly distributed, ca 1 mm long, larger than the pistils, globular, very shortly stalked, white; sterile interstice 1–1.3 cm long, cylindrical to slightly tapering, 5–8 mm thick, partly naked, consisting proximally of rather crowded structures resembling interpistillar staminodes, distally of scattered groups of much smaller staminodes resembling the stamens; staminate flower zone ca 1.5 × 0.5 cm, cylindrical to slightly spindle-shaped, the lower part corresponding with the spathe constriction; stamens dumbbell-shaped, ca 1 mm across, with the connective rather slender, slightly shorter than the thecae; appendix very short, 3–5 mm long, conical; appendix staminodes columnar, ivory white, ca 1 mm diam.; fruiting spathe declinate, urceolate.