Anthurium furcatum Sodiro
Epiphytic (terrestrial); internodes short, 1.5-4.0 cm diam.; cataphylls reddish brown, 11-17 cm long, decomposing into thick fibers, persistent. LEAVES erect to spreading; petiole 30-100 cm x 4-8 mm, terete (flattened adaxially); geniculum 1.5-2.5 cm x 3-7 mm, drying conspicuously darker than the petiole; blades deeply trilobed to 4-9 cm from the base, subcoriaceous, 30-68 x 26-40 cm, medium green and semiglossy above, somewhat paler and matte below, upper surface covered with small linear raphides, base acute; central lobe oblong to linear-oblong, (19-)26-60 x 5-11 cm, apex acuminate; midrib narrowly raised above, sunken toward the apex, prominently raised below, rounded; primary lateral veins 15-26 per side, arcuate-ascending, sunken above, raised below, departing midrib at 60-70°; tertiary veins conspicuous; collective veins arising from one of the lowermost pairs of primary lateral veins and connecting to that of the lateral lobes, 2-4 mm from the margin, sunken above, raised below; lateral lobes falcate, 40-50°(-70°) from central lobe, 20-54 x 5-12 cm, apex narrowly rounded, inner margin nearly straight, outer margin broadly convex; basal veins 3-6 pairs, 2-4 of them joined for 5-12 cm; posterior ribs straight, 40-50°(-70°) from midrib, naked for up to 2-6 cm. INFLORESCENCE erect-spreading; peduncle 22-60 cm x 3-5 mm, shorter than petiole; spathe green, linear-lanceolate, (6-)9-17 cm x (6-)9-20 mm, apex acuminate, base clasping; stipe 7-12 mm long; spadix bright red to violet-purple, cylindric to weakly tapered, 8-20 cm x 3-8 mm; 5-8 flowers per principal spiral, rhombic, ca. 2.8 x 2.0-2.5 mm, sides straight; tepals matte, lateral tepals ca. 1.6 mm wide, inner margin straight or somewhat depressed at center, outer margin bluntly angled; stamens weakly exserted; anthers ca. 0.5 x 0.4 mm, thecae broadly elliptic, slightly divaricate; pistils not emergent; stigma ellipsoid, 0.3-0.4 mm across. INFRUCTESCENCE dark red, 11-21 x 1-2 cm; fruits not emergent, oblong elliptic, ca. 5 x 2-3 mm.