Schismatoglottis matangensis
Leaf petioles terete, channelled canaliculate adaxially in cross section, 13-20 cm long, strongly longitudinally ridged (like celery) especially abaxially, very minutely (strong lens required) and densely verruculate, sheathing in the lower 1/3 - 1/2 with the sheaths tapering, closed, and fully attached, marcescent, sometimes with a short rounded ligular portion; lamina broadly ovate to oblongo-ovate, not elliptic, coriaceous, 13-22 cm long x 7-11 cm wide, the base broadly rounded to slightly retuse, the apex acute and shortly acuminate to ca 1 cm, undulate along margin, adaxial surface matte deep green, always slightly bullate, abaxial surface glaucous, paler green, drying strongly discolorous; midrib adaxially flush with lamina but centrally channelled toward leaf base, abaxially very prominent, raised canaliculate in cross section; primary venation impressed adaxially, strongly raised abaxially, numerous, 15-22 on each side of the midrib, alternating with lesser interprimaries or these occasionally arising from the bases of the primary veins, both diverging at 45o-90o and gradually curving towards the apex before reaching the intermarginal collecting vein; secondary veins mostly arising from the midrib, occasionally from near the bases of the primary veins; tertiary venation forming faint tessellate adaxially and abaxially. Inflorescences up to 3 together, erect, white, fragrant (esterases) smell at female anthesis, peduncle to ca 1.5 cm long, concealed by cataphylls deliquesing and adhering to spathe limb exterior, slightly exserted in fruit; spathe, interior glossy, exterior, semi-glossy, softly coriaceous, ca 9.5 cm long, lower spathe very pale green, ca 4 cm long × 1.3 cm width, differentiated from the limb by a faint constriction at interstice, narrowly ovoid; limb obovate, white, ca 5.5 cm long × 2.2 cm width, upper margin reflex, abruptly acuminate, ca 7 mm long and ultimately mucronate apex, ca 2 mm long, caducous by crumbling at or just after male anthesis; spadix adnate, isodiametrically attached to 1/4 of female zone, subcylindric, 5.2 cm long, 1/2 of spadix length; female zone, conic-cylindric, ivory in fresh and alcohol, 1.6 cm long × 7 mm diam., 1/3 of spadix length; pistils many but laxly arranged, irregularly round to slight rhomboid from above, ca 0.46 mm diam. x 0.72 mm long, stigma, sessile, minute, ca 0.15 mm diam., 1/5 of ovary, punctiform, papillate, orange staining in alcohol, ovaries of on lower part zone tending to be bisulcate, ovaries of on upper part zone tending to be trisulcate or tetrasulcate; interpistillar staminodes confined to less than a single ring at the base of the female zone, similar or twice the size of female flower, flat-topped; sterile insterstice presents, 1/8 of spadix length, supra pistilate pistilode zone (ca 2.5 mm long), pistilode larger than pistil, irregularly round, 0.6 mm diam. transitioning into naked zone (1.5 mm long × 2.3 mm diam.) in AR-1830 or contiguous with infra staminate staminodes zone (ca 2.5 mm long), irregularly polygonal, flat-topped, white when fresh but stained orange in alcohol (AR-1830 & AR-1865), strongly narrow at the staminode zone corresponding with the spathe constriction; male zone cylindric, 10 mm long × 4 mm diam., 1/4 of spadix length; stamens, butterfly-shaped from above, white when fresh, turning dirty yellow in alcohol (AR-1830 & AR-1865), remaining white in alcohol (AR-1864), close-packed, 0.3 mm diam., anthers truncate (flat-topped), connective narrow and thecae large, pores small and deep, C-shaped with the convex side innermost; appendix sub-cylindric, ca 1.9 cm long, 1/3 of spadix length, white when fresh and in alcohol, strongly tapering to a sharp end, middle slightly thicker than the base; staminodes of appendix densely packed, flat-topped, irregularly polygonal, ca 0.3-1 mm diam.
Sarawak, Kuching Division, endemic to Matang (West Sarawak).
Evergreen moist forest on Matang series sandstones where terrestrial in deep litter over exposed black soil, sometimes between sandstone rocks, 190-450 m asl.