Anthurium clarkei Croat
Terrestrial and hemiepiphytic vine, sprawling; stem elon gated, arising up to 1.5 m, shortly erect and scandent; internodes 2.7-10.2 cm long, 3-7 mm diam., medium green, weakly glossy, drying pale brown; roots lax, long and slender, drying dark brown, loose and spreading; cataphylls 5.3-8 cm long, drying mostly intact to semi intact, light greenish brown to light brown, deciduous, with only a few pale, loose fibres persisting at base. Leaves widely scattered on stem, petiole 6.2-8.3 cm long (averaging 7.2 cm) and 0.5-1.5 cm diam., medium green, semiglossy, terete, narrowly and weakly sulcate, drying greenish brown to light brown; geniculum 0.5 1 cm long; blade ovate, 11.2-15 cm long, 6.7-10.2 cm wide (averaging 13.7 8.2 cm), 1.5-2 longer than broad, 1.5-2.3 longer than petiole, acute at apex and abruptly acuminate, rounded at base, subcoriaceous, dark green, matte-sub velvety above, moderately paler and matte below, drying greyish green above, light yellowish green below; midrib acute and ± concolorous above, narrowly rounded and darker below, drying concolorous above, concolorous to slightly paler below; basal veins 3-4 pairs free to base, 1st and 2nd continuing to apex, 3rd and 4th continuing 2/5 of blade and merg ing with margin; primary lateral veins obscure, 5-8 pairs, arising at 40-50° angle, weakly sunken and con colorous above, weakly raised and concolorous below, drying concolorous to slightly paler above and below; collective veins arising from 1st basal vein, 9-15 mm from margin near base, 3-6 mm from margin at 2nd and 3rd primary lateral veins, gradually closer to mar gin near apex. Inflorescence with peduncle 7.7-21 cm long (averaging 14.4 cm); spathe linear to lanceolate, green, 2.5-4.5 cm long, 6-7 mm wide (averaging 3.6 cm 7 mm), 3 dimensional shape fully expanded and at anthesis reflexed; spadix stipitate 0.1-0.25 cm, narrowly cylindroid, slender, 3-5.5 cm long (averaging 4.4 cm) and 0.2-0.3 cm diam., purple. Flowers 5-6 visible per spiral, 1.4-1.6 mm long, 2.4-2.6 mm wide, te pals minutely granular, lateral tepals 0.6-0.7 mm wide, 2-3-sided, usually ? shield-shaped. Berry colour and seed number unknown.