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Anthurium versicolor var. azuayense Croat
Genus: AnthuriumSpecies: Anthurium versicolor
Terrestrial, suberect, 30-100 cm tall, or scrambling, some times appressed-climbing; stem to 0.5 m long, drying narrowly and longitudinally ribbed as well as prominently transverse-fissured; internodes short near apex, 1.5-2 cm long lower down, 1-2 cm diam., drying yellowish brown, closely ridged longitudinally and closely fissured transversely upon drying; cataphylls 10-23.3 cm long, persisting intact at apex, eventually shredding to loose fibres at base. Leaves erect-spreading; petiole 31.5-66.2 cm long (averaging 44.9 cm), sulcate adaxially, drying sharply and deeply sulcate to broadly sulcate, medium green, sometimes lavender-rose, drying light greyish yellow-brown to light greyish olive to brown; geniculum 1.1-2.2 cm long (averaging 1.7 cm), drying concolorous or slightly darker than petiole; blade ovate-sagittate to narrowly ovate-sagittate, 21-44.6 cm long, 12.4-29 cm wide (averaging 32 x 19.1 cm), 1.5 2 longer than broad, 0.60-0.99 longer than petiole, acuminate at apex, sagittately lobed at base, membranaceous, very deep green and semiglossy above, pale green to bright green and semiglossy below with an in fusion of lavender, drying light greyish yellow-brown to light greyish olive to brown, above and below; anterior lobe 17.2-33.7 cm long (averaging 24.3 cm); posterior lobes 5.5-14 cm long (averaging 9.6 cm), 4.9-11.1 cm wide (averaging 7.5 cm); sinus hippocrepiform to spathulate, 4-12 cm long, 1.9-5.5 cm wide (averaging 7.7 x 3.6 cm); major veins in part lavender below; midrib very narrowly raised and bluntly acute above, lower narrowly round-raised, drying concolorous above, mat te and paler below; basal veins 5-7(-8) pairs, 1st free to base, 5th and higher order fused 2-3.5 cm; posterior rib 2.1-5 cm long, naked 1.6-4.7 cm; primary lateral veins 9-11 pairs, arising from midrib at a 50-55° angle, narrowly raised and ± concolorous above, narrowly raised and paler below; collective veins arising from 4th-6th basal veins, 1-6 mm from margin; reticulate veins prominent on both surfaces, drying weakly raised in part on lower surface, usually with weak granulations in the areoles upon magnification. Inflorescence erect-spreading; peduncle 15-21.5 cm long (averaging 17.8 cm); spathe 7.1-9.3 cm long, 6-9 mm wide, pale green to medium green, reflexed-spreading, coiled-contorted when fresh; spadix 10-24.1 cm long (averaging 16.7 cm), mostly sessile or very weakly stipitate to 2 mm when in fruit, curved, bright medium green, purplish when immature. Flowers 9-10 visible per spiral, 2-2.5 mm long, 1.5-1.7 mm wide; tepals minutely granular, 1.5-1.7 mm wide, outer margin broadly 2-sided, inner margin broadly rounded; stamens held at or slightly above tepals, anthers 0.7 mm long, 0.6 mm wide, thecae scarcely divaricate. Infructescence to 23 cm long, drying to 1.6 cm diam., purplish.