Philodendron puhuangii
Hemiphytic vine, the ends of the stem hanging down; sap brown; cataphylls deciduous; internodes longer than broad, to 3 cm long, epidermis gray-brown, weakly glossy, smooth, drying 1.5-2 diam., conspicuously and acutely folded, yellow-brown, matte; petiole 28--32 cm long (averaging 30 cm), 4-8 mm diam., at middle, subterete, obtusely and shallowly sulcate, drying dark brown, 4-8 mm diam., matte, finely ridged, sheathed 6-7 cm at base and partially enclosing the peduncles; blades narrowly ovate-sagittate, 30-37.5 cm long, 20-24 cm wide (averaging 34 X 22 cm), 1.4-1.5 times longer than wide, 1.0-1.2 times longer than petioles, dark green and semiglossy above, slightly paler and semiglossy below; anterior lobe 24-29.5 cm long, the margins drying undulate; posterior lobes 10-11.5 cm long, 7-8.5 wide, directed toward base; sinus hippocrepiform to narrowly V-shaped, 8--9 cm deep, 6-6.7 cm wide; basal veins 5-6 per side, the 1st and sometimes the 2nd free to the base, the 2nd (-3rd) coalesced 2-3 cm; posterior rib naked 2.5-3.5 cm along the margin; major veins drying more or less flattened, paler than surface above, more prominently raised and prominently ridged, paler below; primary lateral veins 5-9 per side, arising mostly at an acute angle, spreading at 45-60° angle; interprimary veins present and not markedly less distinct than primary lateral veins; minor veins drying not at all raised, but instead with prominent sunken undulations, lacking any sign of secretory canals or cross-veins and with the surface densely rather than sparsely granular on magnification. INFLORESCENCES 5 per axil with peduncle medium green, 8.5-11.5 cm long, 5-6 mm diam.; spathe 5.4-5.8 cm long, greenish white at anthesis, the spathe tube becoming red, the spathe blade pale, almost orange; pistils 1.4-1.5 mm long, with style drying blackened medially with a prominently irregular margin and with the stigma stalked to ca. 0.4 mm on drying; ovary ca. 1.2 mm long, 4-5-locular, ovules 0.4 mm long, 1 per locule, with basal placentation.
Philodendron puhuangii is now known only from the type locality of La Planada, in Colombia (Nariiio), at elevations of 1,820-1,850 m, in Premontane wet forest life zone.