Colocasia affinis Schott
Herbs, perennial, terrestrial, with stolons and tubercles. Stolons trailing horizontally, pale green, thin, 3.7–40cm × ca. 4mm, branched; internodes cylindric, 2.7–9cm, with tubercles; tubercles triangular or ovate, ca. 2cm in diam. Leaves 3–7; petiole light green or greenish white, without transverse purple lines, cylindric, 20–45cm; leaf blade pale green abaxially, green or light green adaxially, with 4–6 pairs of large purple spots (lighter when growing in a very shady environment), peltate, ovate-cordate, (5–)16–21 × (4.7–)13–16cm, membranous; primary lateral veins in 3 or 4 pairs, marginal veins inconspicuous. Inflorescences 1–3; peduncle pale green, cylindric, much shorter than petioles, 6.4–15cm. Spathe constricted; tube convolute, green, almost cylindric, 1.3–2.7 × 0.6–1.8cm; limb usually reflexed at anthesis, yellow, greenish white, or yellowish, oblong-lanceolate, 4.2–7.8 × 1.6–3.3cm. Spadix sessile, shorter than spathe; female zone cylindric, short, 0.9–1.7cm × 3–8mm; female flowers green; ovary ovoid; ovules ca. 30; funicle long; placentae parietal; stigma sessile; sterile zone absent between female and male zones or cream-colored, 0.5–0.8 cm × 0.8–2mm; male zone yellowish, pale pink, or cream-colored, 1–1.7cm × 2.5–5mm; male flowers 6–8-androus; stamens connate into a synandrium, yellow; appendix reddish purple, greenish white, or light yellow, cylindric in proximal part but conic in distal part, 1.7–5.1cm × 1.5–6mm. Young berry green. 2n = 28.