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Rhodospatha herrerae Croat & P.Huang
Family: AraceaeGenus: Rhodospatha
Epiphytic; internodes short, 0.7-2.5 cm long, ca. 0.7 cm diam. and brownish gray and semiglossy, drying yellow to brown, glossy, closely and acutely irregularly ridged; petioles 14-17 cm long (averaging 16.3 cm), 0.2-0.5 cm diam., sheathed to the geniculum, the apex narrowly attenuated or sometimes inconspicuously ending abruptly, the geniculum sharply, drying dark brown, matte; young petioles bright pinkish brown; blades oblong-elliptic, weakly acuminate at apex, rounded to obtuse and weakly inequilateral at base, 20-22 cm long, 7-8 cm wide (averaging 21 x 7.5 cm), 2.5-3.1 times longer than wide, 1.3-1.6 times longer than the petioles, inequilateral, one side 6-8 mm wider, subcoriaceous; dark green and matte on upper surface with a pinkish brown margin, drying dark brown and matte, pinkish brown and semiglossy on lower surface, drying dark yellow-brown and weakly glossy; midrib narrowly sunken and drying relatively concolorous to weakly paler on upper surface, raised, convex, narrowly rounded and relatively paler on lower surface; basal veins lacking; primary lateral veins 10-12 pairs, weakly raised and drying concolorous and undulated on the upper surface, narrowly raised and drying slightly paler and undulated. on the lower surface, arising at 65-70° angle near the base to 35-45° near the apex, slightly more prominent than the visible interprimary lateral veins. INFLORESCENCES erect, axillary; peduncle ca. 10 cm, 2-3 mm diarn., ca. 1.1 times longer than spathe, drying dark brown. matte; spathe broader than long, greenisli, iounded and long-apiculate at apex, 8.7 cm long, 10.2 cm wide (the apiculum to 15 cm long, drying to 15 mm diam.; spadix cylindroid, stipitate 1.2 cm, 5.8 cm long, ca. 1.1 cm diam. Flowers lilac, 1.7-2 mm long, 1.4-1.8 mm wide upon drying, style grayish, stigma 0.7-0.8 mm long, narrowly elliptic. Berries unknown.