Anthurium gualeanum Engl.
Stem very thick, climbing, 1-2 m tall, 7-8 cm thick, internodes short. Cataphylls broadly triangular-lanceolate, subcoriaceous, eventually decomposing. LEAVES: Petiole thick, 70 cm long, adaxially ± flattened, shorted than blade, geniculum 5-7 cm long. Blade very large, coriaceous, somewhat shining below, elongate-triangular-cordate, ca. 90-140 cm long, ca. 45-90 cm wide in basal portion, in the middle ca. 26-50 cm wide, long-narrowed above the middle, anterior lobe strongly narrowed in lower third by an arching line, and thereafter to the apex gradually narrowed by a straight line, posterior lobes 3.5 times shorted than anterior lobe, strongly obtuse, retrorse and strongly introrse, primary lateral veins of the anterior lobe more than 20, patent [widely reading], the basal veins, interlobe veins and all primary veins of the posterior lobes joined into a marginal collective vein, below with secondary and tertiary veins strongly prominent, primary lateral veins of the posterior lobes 7, joined into thick posterior ribs with a long (8 cm) denuded sinus. INFLORESCENCE: Peduncle shorter than petiole, 30 cm long. Spathe broadly ovate, narrowly angustate, at the base rather long-adnate to the stipe of the spadix, up to 20 cm long, 8-12 cm wide, with 12 longitudinal veins. Spadix cylindric, shorter than spathe, with stipe 1.5 cm long and adnate to the spathe, 7-8 cm long in flower, 1.5 cm thick, a little narrowed at base and apex. Fruiting spadix 30-35 cm long, up to 9-10 cm thick. Tepals linear, 4 mm long, 1.5 mm wide. Stamen filaments narrowly linear, 4 mm long, anthers linear-oblong, becoming purple, 2 mm long. Pistil slender, 4-4.5 mm long. INFRUCTESCENCE: Berry oblong, ca. 2 cm long, 5 mm thick. Seed elliptic, dorsally convex.