Anthurium benktsparrei Croat
Terrestrial scandent herb in the understory; leaves terminally clustered on an erect stem, internodes 1-5 cm long, 5-12 mm diam., light to medium green to gray-green, semiglossy, drying brownish to yellowish brown, usually finely ridged, sometimes transversely fissured; cataphylls 6-18 cm long, 1.0-1.5 cm wide, fibers pale, semi-organized, erect and parallel, weathering to a mass of white to brown fibers, gradually acuminate at apex; petioles 13-60 cm long, sheathed in lower 1/3 to 1/4, subterete, narrowly and obtusely sulcate to slightly sulcate; blades ovate-sagittate to ovate-triangular-sagittate, 15.8-44.5 cm long, 7.1-25.3 cm wide, 1.4-2.7 times longer than wide, .64-1.6 times the length of the petiole, subcoriaceous, bicolorous, dark green above, dark green to bullate, semiglossy above, paler and matte below, drying usually greenish, moderately bicolorous, sometimes yellow-brown; upper surface pale lineate, smooth, veins much less prominent; lower surface many fine-randomized veins, smooth; anterior lobe 18.5-33 cm long, 8.0-17.3 cm wide broadly rounded to almost straight, sometimes weakly convex; posterior lobe spathulate, 4.2-7.5 cm long, 2.5-8.0 cm wide; basal veins 6-7 pairs, 1st-2nd free to base, 3rd 2.4-3.6 cm from base, 4th-7th 2.8-3.5 cm from base; posterior rib naked 2.8-3.5 cm, ending at 4th-7th basal veins; sinus 3.4-13.1 cm deep, hippocrepiform or sometimes parabolic; midrib bluntly acute, narrowly raised and concolorous above; narrowly round-raised and paler below, drying bluntly acute to acute and concolorous above, paler to concolorous below; midrib primary lateral veins hispidulous below; primary lateral veins 5-11 on each side, arising at 45°-50°, deeply sulcate and concolorous above, about equaling the interprimary lateral veins, narrowly raised below, drying convex in deep valleys above, round-raised and concolorous to slightly paler below; tertiary veins concolorous above and slightly more conspicuous than tertiary veins below, prominently raised and concolorous below; all other veins clearly sunken above, raised below, creating a reticulate pattern; most major veins on the lower surface densely and minutely granular-puberulent (almost appearing as a frost), some collections have a noticeably longer indumentum being densely puberulent-villous; collective veins sunken above, raised below, 2-6(-8) mm from margins, arising usually from the 1st pair of basal veins, sometimes from the lower 1st or 2nd pair of primary lateral veins, frequently from the 2nd or 3rd pair of basal veins (rarely from the 4th pair of basal veins). INFLORESCENCES erect, 14-48 cm in length; peduncle 10.9-41.8 cm long, flattened with broad, convex rib adaxially; spathe 3&-11 cm long, 7-23 mm wide, green to light green, oblong, acuminate, deciduous; spadix 2.8-10.4 cm long, pink, light violet-red, pinkish red, purplish to red, blackish purple, deep blue to bluish violet, odorless, cylindroid to cylindroid-tapered, matte; flowers 4 visible per spiral, 1.5-4.2 mm long, 1.2-3.9 mm wide; tepals minutely granular, very pale; lateral tepals .5-1.2 mm wide, inner margins rounded, outer margins 2-3-sided; pistils early-emergent, whitish. Fruits not seen.