Caladium praetermissum
Evergreen herb. Underground part a thick rhizome, 3.5-18 cm long and 2.5-8.0 cm in diam., suberect to erect, outside brown, producing few short rhizomatous offsets. Petiole nearly terete, the ventral side somewhat flattened, 34-108 cm long and (.5-) .7-1.5 cm in diam., uniformly purple-colored or purplish, only the upper part slightly paler; sheath 10-35 cm long. Leaf blade cordate-peltate, membranous, 21-42 cm long and 14-31 cm wide, pale green to mid green, with larger, irregular cream-colored to somewhat greyish spots (spots darkening with age of the leaves) on upper surface, lower surface much paler; spots translucent, apex cuspidate, basal lobes 6-13 cm long and rounded, sinus (at base) v-shaped and 4-10 cm deep, insertion of petiole 2-3 cm below the sinus, venation reticulate, midrib strong, on each side with 6-8 primary lateral veins, the two basal ones running into the basal lobes and divided at nearly a quarter to a third of their length and then further divided, main venation on both sides pale green to purplish tinged, second order veins between the primary ones thinner and forming an interprimary collective vein, third order veins much thinner and anastomosing, the primary lateral veins terminating in a collective vein along the margin in a distance of 1-3(-4) mm of it, marginal vein thin and inconspicuous. Cataphylls 13-19 cm long. Peduncle ca. 25 cm long and .3-.4 cm in diam., same color as petiole. Spathe 10 cm long, only very slightly constricted, limb of spathe cream-colored, apex mucronate, ca. 3 mm long. Spadix much shorter than spathe, ca. 5 cm long; female zone ca. 2 cm long and 6 mm in diam.; sterile zone with synandrodes between female and male flowers .8-1.0 cm long and ca. 2 mm in diam.; male zone 1.8-2.0 cm long and ca. 3 mm in diam., fertile to apex, apex acute. Flowers unisexual, naked. Female flowers densely arranged, stigma orbicular, nearly as broad as ovary, .9-1.0 mm in diam., slightly depressed in the center. Synandria somewhat densely arranged, lower ones more or less elliptic and upper ones lobed in upper view, .7-.8 mm in diam., thecae lateral. Synandrodes loosely arranged, subclavate to peltate, ca. .8 mm long and stipe ca. .3 mm in diam., widened at top and there ca. .5 mm in diam., flattened, orbicular in upper view. Infructescences unknown. Chromosomes: 2n = 28.