Anthurium hygrophilum Engl.
Stem erect, 0.6-1 m long, an inch [or 2.5 cm] diam.; cataphylls becoming purple from brown, 1.5 dm [15 cm] long, 2 cm wide, lanceolate, acute. LEAVES: Petiole terete, 3.5-4 dm [35 - 40 cm] long, 5-7 mm diam.; geniculum slightly long; blades coriaceous, deep green, elongate-oblong, narrowed from the lower third part toward the apex, about 3.5 dm [35 cm] long, narrowed toward the apex in an arcuate line, elegantly acuminate; posterior lobes 1 dm [10 cm] long, 8 cm wide, semioblong, introrse, obtuse, decidedly close together at the base; sinus oblong to parabolic, 3-4 cm wide; basal veins about 5 pairs, (the last [which is] parallel, excepted), joined at the base into largely naked small ribs, spreading arcuately at about a 90 degree angle and reflexed; primary lateral veins 6-7 pairs, all joined with basal veins into a continuous collective vein, in the anterior lobe, decidedly close to the margin. INFLORESCENCE: Peduncle 2-2.5 dm [20 - 25 cm] long; spathe 12 cm wide, lanceolate, clasping the peduncle at the base and a little decurrent to it, reflexed; spadix cylindrical, to 1 dm long, 6-7 mm diam., short-stipitate; tepals a little more than 2 mm long, almost 1.5 mm wide; stamens almost 3 mm long, scarcely 0.5 mm wide. Ovule almost equalling half of locule; funicle short, attached within the apex of the locule, Outer integument extended decidedly beyond the inner.