Dracontium ulei (Araceae)
Tuber hemispherical or rarely rounded, 6-12cm diam., 6-9cm thick, flat above, rounded, white to brown below, 8-20cm below ground level; tubercles few, rounded or cylindrically elongated, 0.5-1 × 1- 1.5cm, borne around the periphery of tuber; roots white, sometimes tinged pink above the tuber, to 2.5mm diam.; cataphylls 1 (concealed from view soon after leaf development), 10-20cm long, 1-2cm wide, light brown, reaching or surpassing ground level. Leaves solitary; petioles 1-1.2m long above ground, 2-4cm diam. at midpoint, dark green tinged brown, contrastingly mottled with dirty white or pale green blotches and forming a reptilian pattern, usually smooth in upper half and with irregular protuberances in lower half; juvenile blade sagittate, or sagittately lobed; mature blades ascending to 45o to the petiole (often), 0.8-1m diam., papyraceous, rarely fenestrate, never variegated, with abundant raphide cells and often dark markings, glossy and medium green above, glossy and dark green below; middle division twice trichotomously branched, 50- 60 × 50-55cm, with terminal subdivision consisting of 3 sections, with each basal subdivision consisting of many segments; lateral divisions twice dichotomously branched, 50-65 × 55-60cm, with terminal subdivision consisting of 2 sections, with basal subdivision consisting of many segments; terminal and subterminal sections free; leaf segments often entire, broadly oblanceolate, more than 5 cm wide on each side of the major ribs, oblanceolate, mostly free from each other in each division, often with contrastingly smaller rounded or triangular segments alternating with larger segments; apices acuminate; ultimate segments 10-15cm long, often free from penultimate segments; other segments 3-8cm long; penultimate segments free from subterminal sections; medial segments free from basal subdivisions; basal segments present, free from each other; rachises patterned distinct from petiole, pale green, smooth; tertiary veins obscure above and weakly raised below; bracteoles 2 or 3, 8-20 × 1-2 cm, pink, the longest one ± as long as the peduncle, reaching the spathe. Inflorescence solitary,appearing before new leaf; peduncle 8-20cm long above ground, 0.6-0.8cm diam. at midpoint, often almost completely subterranean, scarcely mottled, whitish tinged pink, smooth; spathe 6-10cm long, 3-4cm wide, non-cymbiform, constricted at a certain point and differentiated into a proximal tube and a distal lamina (blade), cucullate, arching 45o-90o, apex acuminate; 4-6 × 3-4cm at widest point; lamina shorter than the tube; inner surface covered with dense, translucent scales to 1mm long, violet-purple, with translucent area obscure; outer surface maroon tinged brown, matte; margins entire, broadly overlapping in the lower two-thirds; veins obscure inside and outside, similar to the spathe in color; spadix hidden, stipitate, cylindric, brown-purple, 3- 4cm long, 1.2-1.4cm diam. at anthesis, never with appendages at apex; stipe 0.4-0.5cm long, 0.5cm diam. at anthesis. Flower tepals 4 to 6, 2-3mm long, 1-1.5mm wide, light brown; stamens 4 to 6; filaments 1.5-4mm long; anthers 0.8 mm long (elliptic), completely exserted; ovary incompletely 3- or 4-locular, white; stigma 3- or 4-lobed; style 1-1.5mm long above tepals, brownish purple, persistent. Infructescence with spadix 6-7(-10)cm long, 1.5-2(- 3)cm diam. in fruit; berries 2-seeded, young berries 0.4-0.5cm diam., 0.5-0.7cm thick, obliquely obovoid, apically subtruncate; young berries medium green; mature berries color unknown, with abundant raphide cells; seeds 0.4-0.5cm diam., reniform, reddish brown, laterally raised, smooth; dorsal ridges obscure.
Dracontium ulei is characterized by its usually subterranean peduncle and inner surface of the spathe densely covered with translucent scales. It is easily confused with D. bogneri, which shares a cucullate spathe covered inside with translucent scales. However, D. bogneri has seeds laterally depressed with 3 obvious dorsal ridges (vs. laterally raised with obscure dorsal ridges for D. ulei). Dracontium ulei is also close to D. dubium and D. purdieanum, but can be distinguished by its spadix concealed at anthesis and deeply hooded spathe with small scales to 1mm long on the inner surface. The latter two species differ by having the spadix exposed at anthesis and a spathe that is not hooded and lacks scales this small on the inner surface.
Dracontium ulei ranges from Acre, Brazil, to Pando, Bolivia.
It occurs in the Tropical moist forest (T-mf) life zone (Holdridge et al., 1971).