Alocasia acuminata
Small to medium-sized, somewhat robust, evergreen, terrestrial herbs to 75 cm tall. Stem rhizomatous, generally elongate, erect, later decumbent, 8–75 × 2–6 cm diam., older parts covered with remains of old leaf bases and cataphylls. Leaves up to 5 together, subtended by conspicuous lanceolate papery–membranous cataphylls; petioles glabrous, bright green, ca 15–80 cm long, sheathing in the lower ca ¼; leaf blade spreading, narrowly hastate-sagittate to ovate-hastate, 15–60 × 8–20 cm, bright green, posterior lobes ¼–1/3 the length of the anterior, peltate for 25–30% of their length, acute; anterior costa with 3–6 primary lateral veins on each side, the proximal ones diverging at ca 60–100°, the angle decreasing in distal veins and the course more or less straight to the margin; axillary glands inconspicuous abaxially; secondary venation initially wide–spreading, then sooner or later deflected towards the margin; interprimary collecting veins weakly defined. Inflorescences usually solitary; peduncles 9–20 cm long, green, erect at first, later declinate, elongating and then erect in advanced fruit, subtended by a series of progressively larger cataphylls; spathe 7–10 cm long, moderately constricted 1.5–2.5 cm from the base; lower spathe green, ovoid; spathe limb lanceolate, canoe-shaped and longitudinally hooded, 5.5– 7.5 cm, membranaceous, very pale green; spadix subequalling the spathe, 6–9.5 cm long, sessile; pistillate flower zone 1–1.5 cm; ovaries subglobose, 1.5–2 mm diam., green; stigma subsessile, white, not or only very slightly lobed; sterile interstice 7–10 mm, narrower than the fertile zones, corresponding with the spathe constriction; lower synandrodia often with incompletely connate staminodes, the rest elongate rhombo-hexagonal, flat-topped; staminate flower zone subcylindrical, 1.2–2.5 × 4.5–8 mm, ivory white; synandria 4–6-merous, more or less hexagonal, ca 2 mm diam.; appendix 2.5–3.5 cm long, approximately as thick as staminate flower zone and demarcated from it by a strong constriction, elongate-conical, white. Fruiting spathe ovoid, ca 3–4 cm long, green; fruits globose-ellipsoid, ca 0.75 cm diam., green, ripening orange-red.
N.E. India (Assam), Nepal, Bangladesh (type), N. Myanmar, N. Laos, N. Vietnam (sight record), S.W. China (sight record).
Moist areas in dry evergreen forest, sometimes on limestone & granite, 650–1175 m asl.