Alocasia flabellifera A.Hay
Massive pachycaul; stem decumbent, rarely erect, to 80 cm long and 13 cm diam., more or less devoid of old leaf bases; leaves few, to 5 together; petiole to 140 cm long, sheathing in the lower c. 1/3-1/2; wings of sheath persistent and slightly recurved; lamina very broadly ovate-sagittate, held more or less vertically; anterior lobe to c. 60 cm long, c. 65 cm wide at base, slightly wider about one quarter of the way from the base, with c. 10 primary lateral veins diverging at c. 60 degrees; glands absent or very inconspicuous; secondary venation distinctly raised below, forming well defined interprimary collective veins; posterior lobes c. 30 cm long, rather rotund, overlapping, the costae naked in the sinus for c. 9 cm; inflorescences paired, on short peduncles amongst their leaf bases; spathe to c. 25 cm long, constricted about 1/4 of the way from the base, green in bud, the lower part soon becoming white just before anthesis, remaining white into early fruit, then becoming green; limb of spathe membranous, white to very pale greenish yellow, oblong, cowl-like, deliquescent and deciduous after anthesis; spadix slightly shorter than the spathe; female zone c. 3 cm long, 1.4 cm diam., with c. 60 pistils; ovaries very close-packed, rhomboid, greenish-white, unilocular, sometimes incompletely septate in the upper part; stigma on a distinct but very short style, yellow, (3- or) 4-lobed, the lobes rotund; ovules orthotropous: interstice of sterile organs short, about two whorls, barely constricted and usually below the constriction of the spathe; organs flat-topped, white polygonal, close-packed; male zone c. 8 cm long, extending down into the cavity formed by the lower part of the spathe below the constriction, whitish, c. 1.3 cm diam.; synandria rhomboid to hexagonal, flat-topped, c. 2 mm diam., 4-7-staminate, with the anthers opening by lateral slits not reaching the top of the synandrium; appendix considerably exceeding half the spadix in length, slightly exceeding the male zone in diameter in the lower part, thence gradually tapering to a blunt point, composed of irregularly shaped, longitudinally orientated staminodia, white; fruit a red berry containing few seeds, exposed by the dehiscence of the lower spathe into longitudinally recurved segments; seeds several, c. 3.5 mm diam. , strophiolate.