Alocasia heterophylla (C.Presl) Merr.
Small herb to ca. 40 cm tall; stem to ca. 20 cm long, decumbent to creeping, ca. 1.7 cm thick; leaves 3-4 together; petiole to ca. 35 cm long, sheathing in the lower ca. Quarter to third; blade to ca. 27 cm long, narrowly (hasto-) sagittate, sometimes shallowly to deeply peltate in adult plants and then some non-peltate leaves also present; anterior lobe to 20 cm long, to ca. 10 cm wide at base, narrowly triangular, with the margin sometimes shallowly sinuate; anterior costa not very prominent abaxially, with 3-4 sometimes opposite primary lateral veins diverging at ca. 45-60° and usually distally deflected towards the leaf tip, then joining a cospicuous submarginal vein situated ca. 3 mm from the margin; secondary venation rather widely spaced (ca. 3 mm) arising from the primary at a high angle, thence mostly abruptly (ca. Right angle) deflected towards the margin and forming rather disorganised interprimary collective veins; glands in the axils of primary vains inconspicuous; posterior lobes diverging at an acute angle, narrow, tapering, sometimes distally out-turned; posterior costae naked in sinus for ca. 1.2 cm to pelatate for ca. 20% of their length; inflorescences paired, to 4 together; peduncle to ca. 4 cm diam., ca, half the length of the patioles; spathe 5-6.5 cm long; lower spathe narrowly ovoid, 2.5-3 cm long, differentiated from the limb by a rather long gradual constriction; limb narrowly lanceolate, eventually reflexed; spadix ca. Three quarters of the length of the spathe, shortly stipitate, with the stipe adnate to the spathe; female zone 0.5-1 cm long, containing few to several flask-shaped pistils; style ca. 0.5 mm, stigma globose; sterile interstice ca. 5 mm long, comprised of massive synandrodia filling the upper part of the cavity of the lower spathe; male zone ca. 5-8 mm long, subcyclindric, ca. 3 mm thick; synandriamore or less hexagonal, ca. 1.2 mm diam., opening by apical pores not capped by synconnective; appendix ca. 2 cm long, tapering; infructescence ovoid, ca. 3 cm diam.