Anthurium iramireziae G.S.Bunting
Epilithic; stem thick, reclining horizontally; internodes short; cataphylls persisting. LEAVES few; petioles 19-40 cm long, subterete, sulcate adaxially, the margins rounded; geniculum 1.7-2.3 cm long, 1-1.2 cm thick; blades held erect on petioles, ovate, obtuse to short-acuminate at apex (the acumen with a cusp to 1.3 cm long), cordate at base, 30-37 cm long (equalling or twice as long as petioles), 19-24 cm wide (1.5-1.7 x longer than wide); sinus arcuate; upper surface glossy, lower surface slightly paler and brown glandular-punctate; major veins prominently raised on upper surface; basal veins 2 pairs, free to base (not naked at the sinus); primary lateral veins 7(8) per side, departing midrib at 45-55° angle, almost straight or weakly arcuate-ascending to the margin; tertiary veins prominent on both surfaces. INFLORESCENCES longer than leaves; peduncle 45-71 cm long; spathe recurved or reflexed,persistent, green, narrowly oblong-ovate, 11 cm long, 0.8 cm wide, decurrent at base for 8 mm; spadix dark purple, becoming green with age, slightly tapered, sessile, 13.3-15.3 cm long, 7.5 mm diam.; 6-8 flowers visible in principal spiral. INFRUCTESCENCE to 1.5 cm diam.; berries unknown.