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Amorphophallus operculatus Hett. & Sizemore
Tuber elongate, thin, vertically rhizomatous, branching, to 40 cm long, 1-4 cm in diam. at the top; petiole 10-65 cm long, 0.4-1.5 cm in diam., smooth, uniformly olive green to dark rich reddish green, sometimes with a few small, dark spots near the base; lamina moderately or highly dissected, 20-70 cm in diam., rachises winged throughout; leaflets elongate ovate to ovate-lanceolate, top acute-acuminate, 2-14 cm long, 1-5 cm in diam., fleshy, upper surface a rich dark emerald green, margin reddish, lower surface dark greyish green, often flushed dark purple-violet, rachises on the lower side rich dark reddish purple. Peduncle 33-50 cm long, 6-8 mm in diam., smooth, dull reddish mauve with or without a few darker, irregular indistinct spots at the base. Spathe broadly triangular-elliptic, 8-12 cm in long., 6-11 cm in diam., margins concave, base and limb hardly separated, base convolute, ca. half the length of the spathe, not opening to the base during male anthesis, top acute, outside whitish changing to pale dirty greyish-white near the base, veins pale pinkish, upper half suffused with a pale pinkish-purplish hue, inside dirty whitish, top with a pinkish-purplish hue, base within densely clothed with mostly more or less globose verrucae, those on the dorsal side and close to the spadix base elongate and/or slightly rugate, the entire inner surface of the base covered with a wet film. Spadix sessile, longer than spathe, 10-14.5 cm long; female zone cylindric, 0.8-1 cm long, 0.8-1.1 cm in diam., flowers congested; male zone elongate, slightly conical, base constricted, top slightly or more distinctly laterally compressed, 3.5-4.8 cm long, 0.8-1.4 cm in diam. at the base, 0.5-1.2 cm in diam. at the top, flowers congested; appendix elongate conical, thin-walled, 5-8.2 cm long, 0.9-1.5 cm in diam. at the base, terete or slightly laterally compressed, more distinctly near the base, top acute, surface slightly and shallowly rugose, off-white. Ovaries subglobose, 2 mm in diam., 1.8-2 mm long, pale green, unilocular; style elongate conical, 0.8-1.1 mm long, 0.8 mm in diam. at the base, 0.5 mm at the top, pale purple or pale green flushed pale purple; stigma depressed, 1-l.2 mm in diam., ca. 0.5 111m high, with a shallow irregular central depression, surface verruculate, off-white. Male flowers having mostly 4-5 stamens, the lower flowers with only 1-2 stamens; stamens 1-l.2 mm long, 0.8-1 mm in diam.; filaments ca. 0.5 mm long, connate, whitish; anthers 0.5-0.7 mm long, truncate, pores apical, slightly elongate, those of the more isolated lower anthers lunate to entirely ring-like around the upper rim of the anther, the anther then seemingly operculate.