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Amorphophallus vogelianus Hett. & Billensteiner
Tuber elongate, strongly branched, 12 cm long, 4 cm in diam. at the top, individual branches to 3 cm in diam., pale brown, producing one or a few leaves. Petiole dull reddish brown with few scattered, blackish short or long stripes, smooth, 23-40 cm long, 0.7-1 cm in diam.; lamina 40-60 cm in diam., open, relatively few and large leaflets, rachises winged throughout; leaflets elliptic-obovate to obovate, 5-18 cm long, 2.5-9 cm in diam., base of outer leaflets broadly decurrent, top short acuminate, upper surface velvety deep green, margin very thinly lined reddish. Inflorescence long peduncled; peduncle thin, 30 cm long, 5 mm in diam., smooth, uniformly pinkish brown with a few scattered blackish thin, short striations, upwards paler; Spathe elliptical, erect, 7.5 cm long, 5 cm in diam., base and limb hardly separated but by a very faint constriction on the dorsal side, base very short convolute, outside pale whitish green, inside smooth with very faint depressions, pale green; limb acute, top fornicate, margins concavely involute, outside creamish, inside creamish. Spadix sessile, slightly longer than spathe, 8 cm long; female part cylindric, 0.8 cm long, 0.6 cm in diam. (excl. styles), flowers distant and sunk into the spadix axis, axis pale bluish green; male zone cylindric, 1.7 cm long, 0.9 cm in diam., flowers congested; appendix elongate conical, 5.5 cm long, 1 cm in diam. (close to the base), base constricted, top obtuse, surface smooth, dull pale greenish with a creamish flush at the base. Ovaries disciform, sunk into the spadix axis, oval in cross-section, 3 mm in diam. (long axis) X 2 mm (short axis), 1.5 mm high, top truncated, tapering to the base, bilocular, pale green; style short, 0.3 mm long, 0.5 mm in diam. cylindric, pale green; stigma conical, distinctly bilobed-sinuate, 0.8 mm in diam., 0.8 mm high, white, verruculose. Male flowers consisting of 2-4 stamens; stamens 2 mm long; filaments thick, 1 mm long, 1.8 mm in diam., off white; anthers truncated, 1 mm long, 1 mm in diam., off white; pores apical, slit-like.