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Amorphophallus prolificus Hett. & A.Galloway
Tuber globose, 2-3.5 cm in diam., 1.8-3 cm in height, smooth, pale to mid-brown, producing annual, large, globose to fusiform offsets, these 1.5-2.2 cm in diam., 2.3-3 cm long, remaining attached to the main tuber. Petiole 15-35 cm long, 4-8 mm in diam., smooth, uniformly greyish purple or dirty dark olive-green; lamina 16-40 cm in diam., rachises winged distal from the basal branchings, segments moderately divided; leaflets obovate to elongate obovate or elongate-elliptic, 7- 18 cm long, 4.3-7.5 cm in diam., apex acute, upper surface green. Peduncle 20 cm long, 0.5 cm in diam., smooth, uniformly dark greyish brown; spathe erect, not separated in base and limb, transversely elliptical, 5 cm long, 8 cm wide, apex hardly distinguishable, very broadly acute, margin strongly concave, outside white with a greenish flush, base slightly greener, inside pale green, base with a very indistinct very pale purplish flush, base within densely set with shallow, irregular warts. Spadix longer than spathe, sessile, 10.5 cm long; female zone cylindric, 7 mm long, 8 mm in diam., flowers distant and in distinct pockets sunk in the spadix axis; male zone cylindric, base slightly constricted, 3 cm long, 1 cm in diam., flowers congested but in the lower part slightly separated in smaller and larger multi-staminate groups; appendix elongate conical, 6.8 cm long, 13 mm in diam. near the base, basal part slightly laterally compressed, apex acute, surface smooth, very shallowly rugulose, emitting a strong smell of oligomethyl-oligosulphides. Ovary subglobose, 1.5 mm high, 1.8 mm in diam., unilocular, pale green; sty le short, 0.5 mm long, 1 mm in diam., pale green; stigma large, depressed, entire, 2-2.5 mm in diam., verruculate, white. Lower male flowers consisting of (2-)5- ca. 10 stamens, upper flowers seemingly consisting of ever more stamens and then turning into a continuous zone; stamens 1 mm long, 1 mm in diam.; filaments 1 mm long, off-white, free; anthers 0.8 mm long, truncated, off-white, pores apical and fused to form one central pore per anther. Pollen psilate.