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Amorphophallus aberrans Hett.
Tuber elongate, 15 × ca 3 cm, unbranched. Leaf solitary; petiole 40–120 cm × 8–10 mm, blackish or blackish green with scattered, irregular, pale greyish or dirty dark green spots, often with a paler margin; leaf blade ca 30 cm diam., rachises narrowly winged nearly to the base; leaflets obovate, elliptic-oval or elliptic, acute or acuminate, 13–30 × 6–15 cm, adaxially velvety green, venation impressed. Inflorescence long pedunculate; peduncle 20–100 cm × 3–16 mm, smooth, basal half a little roughish owing to raised, hemispherical epidermal cells, dirty dark greyish green, paler towards the apex, with scattered dirty greyish ovate-elliptic spots with jagged margins and/or numerous, tiny, dark blackish green spots all over, and/or small whitish spots all over, spots decreasing in number towards the apex; spathe erect, lanceolate or narrowly elongate-triangular, 5–22 × 2.5–9 cm, apex acute, base shortly convolute but opening narrowly to the base at staminate anthesis, separated from the limb by a very faint constriction, persistent in fruit, exterior base dull greyish, or dull greyish green to greyish purplish with a few scattered, very faint paler greyish spots or darker minute dots, interior base dirty pale whitish greenish, the ventral side with or without a purple flush, margins with or without a pale purple flush and with or without numerous small, orbicular spots, limb exterior dull dark brown or dark green, with or without a central greyish longitudinal band, limb interior dark brownish, paler at the centre, or dull brownish purple with green margins, always with a few scattered, orbicular, pale whitish greenish spots, base within smooth, or shallowly ridged, in between ridges very shallowly verrucate; spadix subsessile, longer than spathe, 10–39 cm long, slightly sigmoid; pistillate flower zone cylindrical, 5–25 × 4–16 mm, flowers congested or slightly distant, with 4–6 staminodes at the base; ovaries depressed globose, 2 mm in diam., 1.5 mm long, circular or oval in cross-section, bright pale green; style shortly conical, 0.8 mm (base)-0.4 mm (apex) in diam., bright pale green, sometimes with purplish spots or flushes; stigma large, shallowly or deeply bilobed, 1–1.5 × 1–1.5 mm, oval in cross-section, surface verruculate, dirty orangeish but purplish at the base, or entirely creamy, lobes conical, acute; staminate flower zone elongate, cylindrical or slightly obconical, 1.5–5 cm × 5–15 mm, flowers in lower half slightly distant, in upper half more congested, or in slightly separated semispirals, or all slightly distant, sometimes with several pistillodes/staminodes in the lower part; staminate flowers consisting of (1–)2–4 stamens; anthers sessile, depressed, 0.8 mm long, 1.0–1.5 mm in diam., subquadrangular in cross-section, truncate, white, connective with a greyish spot, pores apical, oval at anthesis; sterile interstice between staminate and pistillate flower zones lacking or to ca 4 mm long, staminodes in separate groups of 3–10; staminodes between the pistillate flowers with a shortly stalked, fusiform base, ca 1 mm long, the apex drawn out in a long hair-like part, ca 4 mm long, white; those in the sterile interstice with a variably sized depressed globose base, sometimes showing the shape of reduced thecae, including pores, 0.5–1 × ca 0.3–0.4 mm, hair-like extension 2–6 mm long, white; appendix more or less thin, elongate conical, acute, 7.5–32.5 × 1–2 cm at the base, base slightly rugulose and sometimes with a few scattered hair-like staminodes, upwards more shallowly rugulose, dirty dark olive-green to nearly black, or the base whitish to greenish and the upper part brown or pale dirty greyish green. Infructescence cylindrical, 5 cm long, 2 cm, in diam. dried staminodes remaining. Fruits globose or slightly elliptic, ca 10 × 7–11 mm, ripening glossy white.