Amorphophallus albispathus
Tuber napiform, unbranched (young plants) or with several, parallel, vertical branches, to ca 17 × ca 7 cm. Leaf solitary or two on one tuber; petiole 10–55 cm × 8–18 mm, turgid, smooth, greyish green, the base often with a pinkish or reddish brown hue, or almost entirely pale reddish brown, with or without a few, scattered dark greyish spots; leaf blade moderately dissected, 15–90 cm diam., anterior segment smaller than lateral ones, the latter only in larger leaves subdichotomous; leaflets elliptic, long acuminate (acumen ca 3.5 cm long), base long decurrent, 20–35 × 6–10 cm, subcoriaceous, moderately glossy, greyish green adaxially, paler abaxially. Inflorescence solitary, long pedunculate; peduncle appearance as petiole, ca 40 cm × 9 mm; spathe erect or concave, cymbiform, triangular or triangular-ovate, basal fifth convolute, apex acuminate, 6–14 × 3–10 cm, exterior uniformly pale green or dirty white with scattered pale or dark grey-green punctiform spots and sometimes a very faint, pale purplish hue, interior as exterior, base interior papillate, the basalmost papillae hair-like and often laterally fused and/or with some irregular branches; spadix shorter than spathe, 5–13 cm long, slightly sinuate, sessile; pistillate flower zone slightly conical, 1.0–2.3 cm × 7–13 mm, flowers congested; ovaries roughly diamond-shaped or somewhat irregular in cross-section, depressed, bright green, 3–4 × ca 2 mm long; style slender, bright green, ca 1 × 0.7–0.8 mm; stigma flattened, 3– or 4-lobed, 1.5–2.0 mm, dirty white, surface shallowly scabrate-verruculate, lobes subhemispherical; staminate flower zone slightly conical, 1.5–3.0(–6.5?) cm long, 5–12 mm in diam., flowers congested; staminate flowers consisting of 2–4 (or 5) stamens; stamens with fused filaments, the latter strongly enlarged in the lower flowers, forming a conspicuous, cushion-shaped column 2–3 mm long, turning orange at staminate anthesis; anthers short (ca 1 mm), hemispherical, pale orange-yellow, connective large, helmet-shaped, green, entire anther turning dark orange at anthesis; pores elongate, lateral or rarely subapical; appendix cylindrical-fusiform, smooth with some shallow depressions, ivory-white with a greenish or pink flush, apex and base obtuse, 2.0–8.0 cm × 8–20 mm, base with some rounded staminodes. Infructescence elongate, ca 6 cm long and ca 4 cm wide. Fruit elongate to ovoid, 1.5–2 × 1–1.5 cm, ripening bright red.
Thailand. Endemic.
In humus pockets in limestone in medium deep shade.