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Amorphophallus albus P.Y.Liu & J.F.Chen
Tuber brown, subglobose, 5–6cm high, 7–10cm in diam., seasonally producing long rhizomatous offsets, these to 23 × 1.5cm. Leaf solitary; petiole pale green with grayish green, irregular, elongate or rounded spots, and whitish dots, 40–70 × 1.5–2cm, glabrous; leaf blade ca. 80 cm in diam., rachises winged; leaflets elliptic-lanceolate, 2–12 × 1–3cm, acuminate. Inflorescence solitary, long pedunculate; peduncle 16–30 × 1–2cm. Spathe cymbiform, narrowly ovate, 12–22 × 6–10cm, acute; proximal margin of limb recurved, outside base green to pale green, inside creamy white; outside limb pale green, spotted with dark green and near margin with numerous indistinct white punctiform dots, inside creamy white with a faint pale green flush, base within densely verruculose. Spadix producing a heavy gaseous smell during female anthesis, sessile, bright pale green, turning yellowish during male anthesis, slightly curved, shorter than spathe, ca. 13.5cm; female zone cylindric, ca. 1 × 1.2–1.3cm, flowers congested; ovary bright green, depressed, angulate in cross section, ca. 1.5mm high, 2.5–3mm in diam., 2-loculed, but 1 locule reduced and sterile; style strongly oriented parallel to spadix axis, bright green, distally pale to yellowish green, 2–2.5 × ca. 1mm; stigma lateral, slightly arching, whitish disciform, ca. 1.5mm in diam., ca. 0.8mm thick, entire, strongly scabrous; sterile zone between male and female zone swollen, slightly conic, 1–2.5 × 1–1.8cm; staminodes congested; staminodes consisting of sterile entire flowers, off-white, slightly hemispheric, irregular, largest ca. 12 × 7mm, with shallow irregular depressions, or with a few irregular grooves; male zone narrowly conic, apex slightly expanded, ca. 4 × 0.8cm, ca. 1.5cm in diam. at base, flowers congested; male flowers consisting of 3 or 4(or 5) stamens; stamens ca. 2mm; filaments entirely fused, off-white, ca. 1.3mm; anthers ca. 0.7 × 2mm, truncate; thecae off-white, opening with apical rounded pores; connective dirty pale yellowish, flat, raised after anthesis; appendix narrowly conic, ca. 6 × 1.6cm, finely rugulose, apex obtuse. Berries orange-red when mature, ovoid.