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Amorphophallus boyceanus Hett.
Tuber subglobose, 6 × 4.5 cm, developing many offsets, these short, thick rhizomatous or with a swollen apex, to 2.5 × 1.5 cm, often with additional small offsets themselves. Leaves two or three together or in succession; petiole smooth, to ca 50 × 1 cm, background dark brown, with many scattered or confluent, elongate-elliptic spots, these brown with a whitish margin or entirely dirty whitish, or brownish with a white margin and a white spotted central region; leaf blade to 70 cm diam., rachises winged in the distal half; leaflets elliptic-lanceolate, to 17 × 6 cm, acuminate, base not or hardly decurrent. Inflorescence solitary, long pedunculate; peduncle 25–30 × 1 cm, appearance as petiole; spathe elongate-triangular, 11–12 × 5–6 cm, acute, a very shallow constriction on the dorsal side, base convolute, exterior background pale green or dirty greyish green, with scattered or nearly entirely covered by dark to mid-brown spots, often confluent, large and tiny, in between with or without a few scattered irregular pale green spots, interior whitish with a green flush, near the apex with tiny purplish dots and a few veins purplish, base pale yellow or dark orangish yellow, with numerous shallow verrucae, especially on the dorsal side; spadix sessile, longer than spathe, 20–28 cm long; pistillate flower zone cylindrical, 1.5–2.5 × 1.2–1.3 cm, flowers congested; ovaries depressed, prismatic, 2 × 4 mm, bright green,; style short or very short, curved upwards or nearly straight, 0.3–1 × 0.8 mm, bright green; stigma slightly depressed, 1.5 × 2 mm, shallowly bi– or –trilobed, lobes slightly hemispherical, obtuse, surface yellowish, verruculate; staminate flower zone cylindrical, 3.5–5 cm × 9–12 mm, terete or slightly laterally compressed, flowers congested; staminate flowers 3–4-androus, off-white, connective flat or sunken, dirty greyish green turning creamy; appendix 14–20 × 1.3 cm, elongate conical, narrow, terete or laterally compressed, base or lower half with short, shallow ridges, sometimes accompanied by shallow conical staminodes, upper half smooth, apex subacute, surface dirty pale yellowish brown or dirty creamy. Infructescence cylindrical, 7 × 2 cm. Fruit subglobose, 8 × 8–10 mm, bright red when ripe.