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Amorphophallus carneus Ridl.
Tuber subglobose, 2–10 × 2–7 cm, smooth, producing annual, large, shortly elongate offsets, these thickening to the apex, to ca 5 × 3 cm; petiole 20–80 × 1–2 cm, smooth, dirty white, greyish green, pinkish white, or reddish with reddish brown or very dark brown spots; leaf blade 30–80 cm, rachises winged in the distal half; leaflets elliptic-lanceolate, long acuminate, 6–25 × 2–9 cm, adaxially glossy green, main veins impressed. Inflorescence long pedunculate; peduncle appearance as petiole, 10–30 cm × 5–10 mm; spathe triangular-ovate, 9–15 × 8–11 cm, obtuse or acute, exterior pale brownish-whitish towards the base with a pinkish flush and with blackish brown spots, interior off-white with pale brownish veins, base within bearing many small, punctiform or slightly longitudinally elongate warts; spadix shortly stipitate, or sessile, shorter than, equalling or slightly longer than spathe, 8–15.5 cm long; stipe to ca 5 mm; pistillate flower zone cylindrical, 1–2.5 cm × ca 7–12 mm, flowers congested or more distant; ovaries strongly depressed, angular in cross-section, 1–1.5 × 3–4 mm, pale green,; style short, 0.5 × 1.5 mm, pale green; stigma large, disciform, slightly angular in cross-section, 1 × 3.5 mm, with 2–4 very shallow or more distinct hemispherical lobes, surface verruculose, dirty brown; staminate flower zone cylindrical or slightly obconical, 3.5–8.0 × 0.7–1.4 cm, flowers congested or slightly distant; staminate flowers (1–)2–5(–6)-androus; stamens white; appendix short, fusiform-conical, obtuse, 2–6 × 1–2 cm, pinkish or white, smooth, the base shallowly grooved. Fruit not seen.