Anthurium latemarginatum (Araceae)
Stem scandent; internodes somewhat glaucous, 1-1.5 dm [10 - 15 cm] long, 1 cm diam.; cataphylls linear, very minutely punctate beneath, somewhat pruinose, soon weathered into thin fibers. LEAVES: Petiole subcylindrical, about 2.5-3 dm [25 - 30 cm] long; geniculum canaliculate; blades membranous, papery in dry state, paler below, mildly cordate and broadly ovate from the base, 2.5-3 dm [25 - 30 cm] long, 1.5-1.8 dm [15 - 18 cm] wide; basal lobes obtuse, frequently shorter than anterior, anterior abruptly acuminate; primary lateral veins of posterior lobes, the lowermost very briefly coalesced at the base, merging in the margin; [those of the] anterior lobe 14-16 pairs spreading at a 45 degree angle, 10-15 mm apart, coalesced in a collective vein 10-12 mm from the margin. INFLORESCENCE: Peduncles less than about half as long as petiole (literally, shorter than about half of the petiole), slender, 12-15 cm long; spathe linear, acuminate, acute, 4 cm long; spadix sessile, cylindrical, obtuse, coppery-yellowish, 6 cm long, 5 mm diam.
Data Deficient (DD)
Ecuador. In the subandine forests of Nanegal and Gualea.