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Amorphophallus curvistylis Hett.
Tuber subglobose or slightly depressed, 2–9 × 3–12 cm, smooth, developing offsets, these rhizomatous, 7–30 × ca 1 cm, slightly laterally compressed, apex swollen. Leaf solitary; cataphylls 4, lanceolate, apex emarginate, apiculate, 3–30 cm long, outer three cataphylls nearly entirely ivory-white, the innermost one ivory-white with a pale brownish hue and some small, blackish spots, soon withering and turning dark brown; petiole very turgid, smooth, 50–120 × 3 cm, entirely green or spotted white–tan and brown; leaf blade highly dissected, up to 130 cm, basal parts of rachises naked, distal parts narrowly winged; leaflets elliptic, 22–30 × 7.5–8.5 cm, acuminate (acumen 1–3 cm long), base decurrent on the rachis, adaxially mid-green, venation strongly impressed adaxially. Inflorescence solitary; peduncle 20–40 × ca 1.5 cm, appearance as petiole; spathe erect, cymbiform, elongate triangular, slightly constricted at the middle, acute, 10–30 × 8–17 cm, subcoriaceous, base convolute, exterior dull green with a few paler spots and with a faint, brownish hue or spotted white–tan and brown, interior pale green, limb exterior and interior as base, base within bearing numerous, small, shallow, longitudinally elongate warts; spadix shortly stipitate, subequalling the spathe, 9–28 cm long; stipe ca 8 mm long; pistillate flower zone cylindrical, 1–5.0 cm × 8–25 mm, flowers congested; ovaries depressed, angular, green or greenish white, 2 mm high, 4–5 mm in diam. ; style placed eccentrically on the acroscopic part of the ovary, laterally compressed, strongly curved upwards and to the spadix-axis, suddenly enlarged near the apex, 3–4 mm long, white or green with a pale brownish hue, turning entirely brown at staminate anthesis; stigma large, pointing to the spadix-axis, more or less strongly, transversely folded, bilabiate, auricled, with two central depressions, the acroscopic margin emarginate, surface verruculate, sticky, dirty yellow or orange, turning entirely brown at staminate anthesis, 3 × 2 mm; staminate flower zone cylindrical or slightly conical, 4–12.5 cm × 9–21 mm, flowers congested, the lower ones distant, upwards irregularly connate or in ascending spirals; staminate flower (2–)3–7-androus; stamens ivory-white, 1.5–3.0 × ca 2 mm; appendix elongate, fusiform-conical, apex rounded, base with a few grooves or with a few rounded staminodes intermediate between stamens and the appendix–wall, ca 4–10.5 × 1.5–2.5 cm, ivory-white, surface at first smooth, becoming rugulose at staminate anthesis. Fruit unknown.