Amorphophallus eichleri (Araceae)
Tuber flattened globose, 2-15 x 2-8 cm, reddish, form long rhizomatose offsets into all directions, roots are formed on the entire tuber. LEAF 20-80 cm high, appearing before or nearly with the inflorescence, solitary or in pairs. Petiole 14-60 cm long, unicoloured green or brownish; or basally brownish and upper part green. Blade 20-40 cm in diameter, the three main segments long stipitate and with leaflets only from 2nd division order onwards. Rachis cuneiformly winged (‘keilförmig geflügelt’). Terminal leaflets broadly and inversely egg-shaped, 6-13 x 4-6 cm, ending in a distict 0.5-1 cm long tip; margin smooth to slightly crinkly. Cataphylls 3, elongate broadly elliptic (‘länglich oval’), the inner one extending to the open part of the limb of the spathe, 6-8 x 4-5 cm, pink to green with whitish spots, membranous. INFLORESCENCE sessile, appearing immediately after the leaf, 10-15 cm high. Peduncle 2-5 cm long, 0.3-1 cm in diameter, pale green, erect. Spathe 5-20 x 4-35 cm, usually more broad than long, divided by a clear constriction into a cup-shaped tube and an open limb; opening of the spathe dropping away at an angle and ± circular, situated exactly at the height of the transition zone between the appendix to the staminate zone. Tube 3-15 x 3-30 cm, cup-shaped to [com]pressed globose; outside light-brown with purple veins; inside basally (3/4 of the tube) dark-purple, with longitudinal, congested, verruciform emergences and folds, becoming smooth and light brown to beige or light-green towards the constriction. Open limb 2.5-5 x 3-5 cm, hanging or horizontal to tilted erect, attenuating on one side into a triangle, otherwise narrow, margin strongly crinkled, outside and inside of variable coloratio, green to dark green or purple to light purple. Spadix sessile or stipitate for 0.2-0.5 cm, longer than the spathe, 10-25 cm long. Pistillate zone cylindrical, 1-3 x 0.5-2 cm, flowers congested. Staminate zone cylindrical to broadly elliptic (‘oval’) to slightly obconical, 1.5-4 x 0.8-2.5 cm, flowers are very congested but in distinct groups of (3-)4(-5) stamina. Appendix 8.5-18 x 2-6 cm, irregularly short conical to widely egg-shaped, surface light brown to beige to greenish, finely rugulose, apically rounded, hollow inside, basally constricted. No staminodes; sterile zone between pistillate and staminate zone hardly visible, 0.2-1 mm wide; ratio of pistillate to staminate zone 0.6-0.75 : 1. Pistillate flowers 2-3 mm big; ovary globose to ovoid, 1.5-2 x 1.5-2 mm, uni- to bi-locular, green; stigma sessile, beige to greenish brown, button-shaped, circular from, flattened circular from the side, unlobed to bi-humped, 1x1 mm. Staminate flowers 1-1.5 x 1-2 mm; anthers cubical, 1-1.5 x 1-1.5 mm; pores apical, one (bean-shaped, broadly elliptic (‘oval’) to circular) per theca; filament basally partly fused, hardly visible or at the most 0.5 mm long; connective channelled. Pollen orange, inaperturate, ovoid, 46-49 x 35-36 µm, exine smooth (psilate). INFRUCTESCENCE significantly elongating, 30-42 cm high; infructescence stalk 15-20 x 1-2 cm, coloured the same as the peduncle; infructescence cylindrical, 18-22 x 4-5 cm. Berries elongate-elliptical, somewhat flattened on one side, orange red, 11-16 x 5-12 mm, single to two seeded. Seeds ovoid and flattened on one side, greenish, 7-11 x 6 mm. Smell in the female phase of older meat, in the male phase of fish or prawns.
Basal inner side of the spathe with wart-like to tongue-like emergences, peduncle short, appendix wide, irregularly broadly elliptic (‘oval’).
Guineo-Congolese-Zambian transition zone: northern borders of Zaire and Angola
Presumably following rivers in primary rain forests.