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Amorphophallus elatus Hook.f.
Tuber elongate, rarely branched, 2–25 × 1–4 cm. Leaf solitary; petiole 50–100 × 1.5–2.3 cm, smooth or densely, short velvety, uniformly pale green, brown, dark reddish brown, dark yellowish brown or pinkish brown, with many blackish green spots, these often entirely confluent near the base, and fewer, larger, narrowly elongate to linear, dirty creamy white spots; leaf blade 80–120 cm diam., rachises winged nearly to the base; leaflets oblong-elliptic, elongate-elliptic or lanceolate, 8–31 × 3.5–8 cm, acute, acuminate or apiculate, adaxially moderately glossy, dark green, with or without a very thin, reddish margin. Inflorescence long pedunculate; peduncle appearance as petiole, 16–75 cm × 5–15 mm; spathe ovate-triangular, tubular, acute, base and limb poorly differentiated, 5–19 × 4–15 cm, exterior pale green with or without a pinkish hue, or entirely dirty darkish green with a few blackish green and white dots, or dark greyish brown, or the central part dirty brownish green, dark brown towards the margin, with small, rounded, white spots scattered all over, or concentrated in the lower half, interior as exterior but spots slightly or distinctly larger, often confluent, especially in the lower part of the limb, or interior bright pale green with white spots, base within pale green, violet, or pale violet, with scattered, very shallow, rounded, broad-based warts, these green or violet; spadix longer than spathe, sessile, 14–56 cm long; pistillate flower zone cylindrical, 5–25 × 4–15 mm, flowers congested; ovaries depressed, oval in cross-section, 1.3 × 2–2.3 mm, mid green, bright green or whitish green, style nearly absent, 0.1–0.2 × 0.8 mm, green; stigma conical, 2–3-lobed, oval in cross-section, 0.7 mm high, pale green, pale brown, dark brown or pale yellowish, surface minutely scabrate, lobes conical, consisting of branches from the style; staminate flower zone cylindrical, somewhat fusiform or fusiform-conical, 1.3–5 cm × 7–17 mm, flowers congested; staminate flowers 3–6-androus, the lower ones entirely synandriate, these ca 6 mm, creamy white; appendix elongate fusiform-conical, (sub-)stipitate, 12–49 × 1–2.8 cm, apex acute, base constricted, creamy white, dirty pale brown or pale pinkish, with irregular, shallow depressions, sometimes with scattered blackish dots. Fruit globose, shiny red.