Amorphophallus elliottii (Araceae)
Tuber 10-11 cm in diameter, flat globose, produces a number of offsets. LEAF ca. 40 cm high, appearing after the inflorescence. Petiole 30 cm long; flushed greyish to blueish (wax?); with elongate to broadly elliptic (‘oval’), reddish to brown spots. Blade 40-50 cm in diameter. Terminal leaflets elongate to lanceolate, 6-12 cm long, gradually ending in a tip, green. Cataphylls 2, 4 and 12 cm long, mottled purple to pink, acutely attenuate. INFLORESCENCE ca. 35-40 cm high, solitary and erect, appearing before the leaf. Peduncle 20-30 cm long; 0.5-0.8 cm in diameter; flushed greyish to blueish (wax?); with elongate to broadly elliptic (‘oval’), reddish to brown spots. Spathe 9-16 x 4-10 cm; divided without a constriction into a cylindrical tube and a broad, triangular, limb that is open on one side. Tube ± cylindrical; outside pink with brownish spots; inside basally smooth, with only slightly raised veins. Open limb 4 x 3 cm; projected over and beyond the appendix like a cap, therefore open on one side, opening about 2-3.5 cm high; outside and inside greenish with brown, elongate spots; margin smooth and somewhat curved inside. Spadix stipitate for 1-2 cm, 6-7 cm long, clearly shorter than the spathe, appears to stand on a little pedestal (spathe basally somewhat running down the peduncle), completely surrounded by the spathe. Pistillate zone cylindrical, 0.3-1 x 0.5-0.6 cm, flowers standing in 2-6 spirals, flowers congested. Staminate zone cylindrical to slightly ovoid (‘oval’), 1.2-1.7 x 0.7-1 cm, flowers congested. Appendix 2.5-3.6 cm long; stipitate meaning very narrowly cylindrical in the basal part, then abruptly broader to then gradually taper out; ± smooth; apically blunt; purple. Staminodes absent; sterile zone between pistillate and staminate zone absent; ratio of pistillate to staminate zone 0.25-5.8 : 1. Pistillate flowers 1.5-2.5 cm long; ovary unilocular, globose to ovoid (‘oval’), ovule-attachment basal; style 0.2-0.5 mm long, thin and distinctly delimited (‘deutlich abgesetzt’); stigma minutely circular, 0.2-0.3 mm in diameter, unlobed, papillose. Staminate flowers 1-1.5 mm long, anthers cubical, free, 4 stamens forming one flower; thecae cylindrical; filament 0.5 mm long, free or rarely 2-4 fused together basally; pores apical, one per theca; connective channelled. Pollen inaperturate, globose, 35.6 x 33.1 µm, exine spinose (echinate). INFRUCTESCENCE not known. Strongly scented.
Style present, spadix entirely enclosed by the spathe , appendix cylindrical, without distinct staminodes.
Western part of the Guineo-Congolese region: only known from the type locality (fig. 62).
In forests, between low grass.