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Amorphophallus hetterscheidii Ittenb. & Lobin
Family: AraceaeGenus: Amorphophallus
Tuber depressed-globose, 5−10 7 1.5−6 cm, brownish, upper half producing short, rhizomatous offsets. Leaf to c. 100 cm long; petiole to 60 cm long, 1.5 cm in diameter, pale green with numerous confluent blackish brown spots, often with a dark metallic green shimmer; lamina 60−100 cm in diameter, very strongly pinnate, rhachises narrowly winged; terminal leaflets elliptical to elongate-elliptical, 5−20 7 1−6 cm, acuminate, margin undulate, upper face green and somewhat glossy, lower face dull green and glossy. Cataphylls 3, the longest 20−30 cm long, reddish to pinkish, with elongate, irregular dark brown spots. Inflorescence to 60−90 cm long, developing alongside the young leaf, long-peduncled, much longer than cataphylls; peduncle 30−50 cm long, 1−1.5 cm in diameter, coloured as petiole; spathe erect, 12−30 cm long, somewhat overlapping with a rectilinear purple edge, separated by a slight constriction in a elongate-ovoid tube and a short-triangular limb; tube 6−15 x 5−7 cm, outside bright green or creamy, basal part with large, confluent dark green spots, inside bright green to creamy with numerous small, dark violet to blackish punctation and basally densely covered with whitish to pale pinkish, 2−3 mm long hairlike emergences upwards reduced to minute warts, otherwise epidermis papillose; limb 6.5−15 x 4−10 cm, outside bright green, to the margins grading into purple, margins smooth and dark purple. Spadix sessile, 25−40 cm long, longer than spathe, emerging excentrically from the opening of the spathe; pistillate zone cylindrical, 2−4 x 1.7−2 cm, flowers densely congested; staminate zone ± cylindrical, 2−3 x 1.5−2.2 cm, flowers very densely congested; either without or with an up to 1 mm long sterile zone between the pistillate and staminate zone; appendix 23−35 cm long, 1−2 cm in diameter at the base, cylindrical to conical, with rounded apex, above the staminate zone not constricted, red-brown, rough to velvetlike, covered with very short elongate warts; ratio of pistillate to staminate zone length 1−1.3 : 1. Pistillate flowers 4−5 mm long; ovaries elongate-ovoid to cubic, 2.5−3 x 2 mm, 2(−3)-locular, dark green; style 0.5−1.2 x 1 mm; stigma 1−1.2 x 1−1.5 mm, ± oval in cross section, depressed-circular in lateral section, with 2(−3) small, roundish to cylindrical humps, papillose, brown. Staminate flowers 2.5 7 1.5 mm long; anthers ovoid, yellowish orange; connective with two small grooves and numerous small dark violet to blackish spots, therefore appearing dark violet; filaments only 0.5−0.8 mm long but rather wide, free; pores oval, one apical pore per theca. Infructescence unknown. Pollen inaperturate, exine smooth (psilate).