Amorphophallus impressus
Tuber unknown. Leaf solitary, c. 120 cm long; petiole c. 100 cm long, c. 2.5 cm in diameter at the base, green with purple spots; lamina green, c. 100 cm in diameter, rhachises with broad-triangular to oval wings, terminal leaflets elongate-oval, 4−10 7 1−3 cm, acuminate, margin slightly undulate or dentate. Cataphylls 2(−4), the outer one 10−14 cm long, the innermost 25−30 cm long, longer than spathe and peduncle together, whitish to pink and with greenish to brownish oval to roundish spots. Inflorescence sessile, appearing before the leaf, short-peduncled, c. 50−70 cm long; peduncle 5−10 cm long, 1−1.5 cm in diameter, smooth, brown-green with or without green or olive spots, to the spathe grading into purple. Spathe 12−25 cm long, separated by a strong constriction in a depressed, urceolate tube and a rimshaped to elongate-triangular limb; tube 3.5−10 x 4−9 cm, outside creamy to flesh-coloured, the lower part greyish brownish to green, with dark green veins and small green to brown spots; inside pinkish, purple to reddish brown, lower part with small, tongue-shaped colourless or purple or reddish brown emergences of 0.3−1 x 0.5 mm higher up reduced in size and causing the inside surface to be rough; limb strongly undulate, on the side of the longest cataphyll 4−6 cm long, on the other side elongate-triangular and 6−15 cm long, outside dark green to brownish purple, with thick purple veins, inside pink to purple, margin maroon. Spadix sessile or stipitate for 1−6 mm, 18−40 cm long, longer than spathe; pistillate zone cylindrical, 1−3 x 0.8−1.2 cm, flowers congested or somewhat distant; staminate zone obconical to ovoid, narrowed at base, 1.5−4 x 1−3 cm, flowers congested; sterile zone between pistillate and staminate zone 1−10 mm long; appendix 20−35 cm long, thick-conical to slightly clavate, above the staminate zone slightly constricted, 2−4 cm in diameter at the base, dark purple, verruculose; staminodes absent; ratio of pistillate to staminate zone length 0.4−0.6 : 1. Pistillate flowers 2−4 mm long; ovaries globose-ovoid, 1.5−2 x 1.5−2 mm, yellowish green or bright green, (1−)2(−3)-locular, stigma sessile, 1−2 x 1−2 mm, dark yellow, papillose, with 2(−3) small roundish humps or rarely roundish and smooth. Staminate flowers 0.9−1.6 7 1−1.9 mm, with 2−5 stamens; filaments absent or only 0.1−0.2 mm long; anthers free, elongate-ovoid to cubic, creamy to yellowish orange; connective with two small grooves, brown; pores elongate-oval, one apical to subapical pore per theca (rarely two pores per theca). Infructescence unknown. Pollen inaperturate, exine smooth (psilate).
Differt ab Amorphophallo goetzei aheno cortina spathae impresso, orbiculato cum margine laminae horizontaliter distante. Pars staminata inflorescentiae supra constrictionem spathae prominens. Ab A. eichleri emergentiis linguiformibus facie interioris basalis spathae et spadici distincte majori differt.
S Tanzania and Malawi