Amorphophallus krausei
Tuber globose, sometimes slightly subcylindrical, with a deep central depression, 5–25 × 4–20 cm high, seasonally producing several rhizomatous offsets, long, thin, apex slightly thickened or not, 2–27 cm × 4–10 mm. Leaf solitary; cataphylls 3, to 25 cm long, basally pale pink grading into off-white upwards, covered with pale blackish green, elongate spots; petiole smooth, 20–190 × 1–4 cm, ground colour pale green, at the base often pale pink or with a reddish brown or reddish hue, with many, smaller and larger, elliptic, partly or almost entirely confluent, elliptic to narrowly elliptic, blackish green or paler green or rarely reddish brown spots and several, small, white dots, the intensity of colours and the extension of the pattern variable; leaf blade 30–160 cm diam., all main segments unbranched or the lateral ones once subdichotomous, rachis broadly winged; leaflets lanceolate, rarely elliptic, acuminate, base decurrent, 11–48 × 2–11 cm, adaxially green or greyish green, abaxially paler green. Inflorescence solitary; cataphylls 3, as above; peduncle appearance as petiole but smaller, 25–100 cm × 8–20 mm; spathe erect, cymbiform, ovate to ovate-lanceolate, base convolute, convolute part 4–6 cm long, apex acute-acuminate, 11–40 × 6–26 cm, exterior pale green, to the base slightly darker, interior pale yellowish green, base sometimes maroonish, base within bearing many, small, slightly elongate or irregularly ridge-shaped, warts; spadix nearly as long as spathe, rarely distinctly shorter or slightly longer, 8–35 cm; pistillate flower zone cylindrical or slightly obconical, 0.6–5 × 0.6–2.3 cm, flowers congested; ovaries globose or slightly depressed, 2–2.5 × 1.5–2 mm, pale green, occasionally pale magenta-purple near style base, style cylindrical or conical, 1–2 mm long, green or magenta-purple; stigma globose or semiglobose, ca 1 mm, entire or with a shallow central depression or shallowly 2–3-lobed, lobes rounded, pale yellowish white, yellow or brownish, surface scabrate, margin sinuous; sterile interstice rarely absent, cylindrical, 6–20 × 8–18 mm, staminodes congested; staminodes ovate or diamond-shaped in cross-section, semiglobose, ivory-white or creamy orange, occasionally flushed with pale purple, often with a droplet as on the connectives at pistillate anthesis, 1–4.5 × 1–3.1 mm; staminate flower zone cylindrical-fusiform or slightly obconical, sometimes slightly laterally compressed, 3.5–13 cm × 8–30 mm, flowers congested; staminate flowers (1–)3–4(–5)-androus, ivory-white, the lowermost flowers greatly enlarged and with reduced thecae, grading to the staminodes; appendix short to elongate fusiform or fusiform-conical, sometimes slightly laterally compressed, sometimes with a small stipe-like part, smooth, apex rounded or more or less acute, base occasionally stipe-like, sometimes with a few rounded staminodes or staminodial remnants at the base, separated by small grooves, 3–17 × 0.9–5 cm, yellowish white or pale green. Infructescence cylindrical, ca 10 cm long; fruits ca 1 cm long, ripening bright red.
Myanmar (type), Thailand S.W. China (Yunnan – type of A. ximengensis )
Shaded to open, often fire-prone places in mixed primary evergreen/deciduous forest and deciduous dipterocarp forest, often mixed with bamboo, on granite bedrock, sometimes near streams. Lowlands to ca 1500 m asl.
Used as a food resource by the indigenous Dai, Hani, Lahu, Wa, Bulang & Jingpo peoples in Yunnan (Li, 1988, sub A. ximengensis).