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Amorphophallus margretae Ittenb.
Family: AraceaeGenus: Amorphophallus
Tuber irregular-globose to ovoid, 6−7 x 2.5−5.5 cm, laterally producing cylindrical and conical offsets of 1−1.2 x 0.5−0.6 cm. Leaf unknown. Cataphylls 3, the inner one c. 9−10 x 1.5−2 cm, the outer ones much shorter, dark with darker veins. Inflorescence erect, appearing before the leaf, c. 80 cm long, long-peduncled; peduncle smooth, 50−52 x 0.6−1 cm, with small roundish spots; spathe 24 cm long, either without a constriction or separated by a shallow constriction in a cylindrical tube and an erect, rimshaped to elongate-triangular limb; tube 8.5−9 x 3.5−4 cm, outside purple; inside basally smooth, with shallowly elevated dark veins; limb 14.5−15 x 6−7 cm, purple, margin undulate. Spadix sessile, c. 28−30 cm long, somewhat longer than spathe; pistillate zone cylindrical, 3 x 1.5 cm, flowers distant; staminate zone cylindrical, 7−8 x 0.6−1 cm, flowers distant; appendix conical, 16−17 cm long, 0.6−2 cm in diameter, smooth and velvetlike, above the staminate zone with a shallow constriction; staminodes absent; without a sterile zone between the pistillate and staminate zone; ration of pistillate to staminate zone length 0.4−0.5 : 1. Pistillate flowers 5−6 mm long; ovaries elongate-ovoid, 3−4.5 x 2−3 mm, unilocular; style slender, 0.6−1 mm long and very thin, slightly curved, darker than ovary; stigma 0.5−0.8 x 0.5−0.6 mm, facing sideways, unlobed and head-shaped or with two roundish humps. Staminate flowers 0.7−1 x 0.8−1.1 mm, with 3−4 stamens; anthers free, globose to cubic with rounded edges, 0.7−0.1 x 0.6−1 mm; connective with two small grooves, darker than thecae; filaments only 0.1−0.3 mm long, free or sometimes basally connate but not forming a columna; pores circular, one apical pore per theca. Infructescence and pollen unknown.