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Amorphophallus scutatus Hett. & T.C.Chapm.
Tuber elongate, 3–25 × 1–6 cm; petiole 40–50 cm × 9–10 mm, smooth, turgid, background pale green with elongate-elliptic, grey-green spots, very pale flesh-coloured or whitish greyish with a silvery shimmer and very tiny blackish speckles, or creamy white with small olive-brown-green dots and largely covered by elongate-elliptic, confluent olive-green-brown spots; leaf blade 20–100 cm diam., rachises narrowly winged all over; leaflets linear, lanceolate, elliptic or elliptic-lanceolate, 5–10 × 0.7–4 cm, acuminate. Inflorescence solitary, long pedunculate; peduncle slender, 20–55 cm × 6–8 mm, smooth, pattern appearance as petiole or dark spots confluent to almost entirely covering the background; spathe triangular to lanceolate, 8.5–20 × 5–8 cm diam., limb and base not strongly differentiated, base convolute, limb slightly folded lengthwise, sometimes forming a tube during anthesis, or slightly reflexing, exterior pale green, pale grey or grey-green with darker veins and often few or many tiny greenish grey spots and scattered, small or larger, rounded, indistinct grey or whitish greyish spots or without the latter, margin often brownish or dull dark greyish, interior base purple, rest grey, green or grey-green, often flushed upwards with dark greyish brown or grey, base within verrucate, warts fleshy, the lower ones elongate, papillate, the upper ones conical or flaky, whitish or pale purple; spadix shorter or distinctly longer than spathe, substipitate, 14–36 cm long; pistillate flower zone cylindrical, 1.5–3 cm × 8–10 mm, flowers congested or slightly distant; ovaries depressed, subcircular or circular in cross-section, 3 × 1 mm high, entirely bright green, or purple near style base; style 3–4 × 1 mm, green or purple, strongly parallel to the spadix-axis; stigma depressed but strongly folded, laterally displaced or apical, 1.3–1.5 × 0.5–0.6 mm, notched at the raised acroscopic side or at the sides where the elongate style–branches appear, off-white, surface papillate–echinulate; sterile interstice 5–10 × 7–8 mm; staminodes congested; staminodes flat, rhombic, oval or egg-shaped, 3–5 × 3 mm, margins slightly raised or not, surface very shallowly rugulose, pale green, pale whitish grey or pale brown; staminate flower zone cylindrical, 2–4.5 cm × 7–9 mm, flowers congested; staminate flowers 2 –3-androus; stamens shallowly hemispherical, broad, spindle-shaped or irregular, ca 2 × 1 × ca 1.5 mm high, pale green, off-white, with or without a very faint green flush; anthers ca 1 mm, dark or pale purple, appendix thin elongate conical, 9.5–28 cm × 8–16 mm at the base, apex obtuse, base shallowly ridged, rest rugulose, pale olive-green, pale whitish grey or pale brown. Infructescence cylindrical, 9 × 3 cm; fruit globose or subglobose, 8–10 mm, ripening glossy red.