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Amorphophallus stuhlmannii (Engl.) Engl. & Gehrm.
Tuber [com]pressed to globose, 20-30 cm in diameter, roots emerge from the upper side. LEAF 0.6-2.5(-3.5) m high, partially expanded during flowering. Petiole 0.5-2.4(-3 fide Engler 1908) m long; about 2-4 cm in diameter at the base; purple to pink, with greenish spots, or background pale green with elongate, dark green or purple spots (subsp. congoensis). Blade 0.5-2(-3) (fide Engler 1905) m in diameter, lower part of the main and end segments of the leaf up to the first branching 10 to 40 cm long; rachis 1-2 cm wide, broad elliptically ('oval') to asymmetrically winged, usually only from the first branching of the main- and endleaflets. Terminal leaflets connected with numerous veins, 1 cm distant from each, [veins] slightly raised and reddish brown; under side pale green, upper side dark green; broadly elliptic ('oval'), 9-22 x 3-8 cm, ending in a distinctly delimited, 1.5-2.5 cm long tip; margin smooth to slightly crinkly. Cataphylls 3, broad, broadly elliptic ('oval') to triangular, the inner one up to 30 cm long, pink to white, with green small spots and dots. INFLORESCENCE long stipitate, flowering before total leaf expansion, up to 2.5 m high. Peduncle (20-)30-150 cm long, 1-3 cm in diameter. Stathe 25-60 cm long; arranged, without a distinct constriction, into an open limb and a tube [which is] rolled-up into a tilted pipe; rarely with a stronger constriction. Tube ± cylindrical to ovoid ('oval'), 5.5-11 x 5.5-7.5 cm; outside olive to green with whitish dots; inside dark purple, inside basally with hair-like emergences, these 1-4 mm long, emergences reaching up the tube for 3-6 cm, purple. Open limb erect to slightly nodding, 18-40 x 12-25 cm, broadly elliptic ('oval') to triangular, often acutely attenuating; outside olive, green to purple with whitish to greenish dots and spots, then becoming purple; margin undulate to folded, sometimes twisted. Spadix sessile or stipitate for 5 mm at the most; 30-90 cm long, longer than the spathe, emerging from the axis at an angle, erect. Pistillate zone cylindrical, 2.5-8 x 1.5-3 cm, flowers often lossely dispersed, not congested. Staminate zone obconical, 3-4.5 x 1-4 cm, flowers congested. Appendix stretched out conical to club-shaped, 30-83 cm long, 1-5 cm in diameter at the base, 0.4-3 cm in diameter at the tip; surface smooth to velvety and basally with longitudinal furrows and studded with microscopically small emergences (velvety), greenish or light purple, basally constricted. Sterile zone between staminate and pistillate zone absent or 2-4 cm broad (subsp. congoensis); rato of pistillate to staminate zone 0.7 : 1; staminodes absent or [present] in the shape of sterile anthers, these wandering up the appendix for 2-3 cm (subsp. congoensis). Pistillate flowers 6-7 mm long; ovary 3-5 x 2-3 mm, globose to ovoid ('oval'), bi- to tri(-quadri)locular, green; style 1-2 mm long, purple to brownish; stigma rarely subsessile, usually with a distinct style, 1-4 x 2-4 mm, purple to orange, deeply bi- to tri-lobed, stigma lobes 1-3.5 x 1-1.2 mm long, acute conical to conical, arched in the middle ('bull horns' ("Stirhörner')). Staminate flowers with 2-4 stamens; anthers 2 x 1 mm, free, light yellow, pink to orange; filaments short or up to 1.5 mm long, free or 2-4 fused basally; thecae sometimes bean shaped; pores apical, 2 or 1 circular to broadly elliptic ('oval') or slit shaped pore(s) visible per theca; connective darker and channelled. Pollen inaperturate, 56.6 x 52.9 µm, circular. Exine verrucate. INFRUCTESCENCE not known.