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Amorphophallus yuloensis H.Li
Tuber depressed globose, to ca. 10cm in diam., without offset development. Petiole uniformly olive-green to pale green, 10–75 × 0.5-2cm, smooth; leaf blade pale green abaxially, mid green adaxially, 10–100cm in diam.; rhachises winged distally from basal branchings, central branching point and several more distal nodes becoming intercalary bulbils, producing new plants after detachment; leaflets elliptic to elongate elliptic, 2–25 × 2–10cm, apex acuminate, veins impressed adaxially. Peduncle dark olive-green with fine, darker, short striations/spots, ca. 10cm × 8mm, glabrous. Spathe erect, outside base pale greenish with small, blackish green dots, center very pale pinkish with similar dots, distally dirty creamish with scattered, grayish black dots, inside base pale pink with numerous white verrucae, distal part dirty cream, concave, broadly ovate, ca. 11 × 10cm, margins incurved, obtuse; spathe on second day open to base. Spadix subsessile, shorter than spathe, ca. 8.5cm; female zone cylindric, distal margin very irregular, 1–2 × ca. 1.3cm, flowers congested or just touching; ovary depressed, orbicular in cross section, 2–2.5mm high, ca. 4mm in diam., pale green with very thin, scattered pinkish, short stripes in apical half, 2-loculed, with 1 basal ovule per locule; style ivory-white, short but distinct, ca. 0.8 × 1.1mm; stigma pale dirty yellow, disciform, rounded in cross section, ca. 1mm high, ca. 2.5mm in diam., densely verrucate, with a shallow central depression; male zone slightly fusiform, 2.5–4 × ca. 11.5cm, flowers mostly separated but distally congested, occasional flowers transformed into conic-pyramidal staminodes; male flower consisting of (2 or)3(or 4) stamens; stamens ca. 2mm; filaments ivory-white, ca. 0.8mm, basally connate; anthers dirty ivory-white, truncate, ca. 1 × 2mm, rectangular in cross section; pores apical, elliptic; staminodes representing one stamen each; appendix ivory-white, broadly conic, massive, 3.2–4 × ca. 1.8cm, glabrous, base irregular, apex obtuse.