Amorphophallus yunnanensis
Tuber subglobose or depressed-globose, 2–20 × 2–17 cm, root-scars with an annular thickening, seasonally developing several offsets; offsets rounded or elliptic, sessile, to 1.2 × 2.5 cm long. Leaf solitary; cataphylls three, 6–35 cm long, dark greyish green, largely covered with pale pinkish, rhombic spots; petiole smooth, 10–120 × 0.5–6 cm, medium to dark olive-green or dark olive-brown with several rhombic or elliptic-elongate, pale whitish greenish spots; leaf blade highly dissected, 30–190 cm, rachises broadly winged except below the basal branching points, the latter and the basal branching point may develop into intercalary bulbils after disturbance; leaflets elliptic, 10–42 × 5–13 cm, apex acuminate, base broadly decurrent, adaxially dark green, often with a bluish sheen when young, margin often narrowly violet, abaxially paler. Inflorescence solitary, long pedunculate; cataphylls as with leaf; peduncle 13–60 × 1–2 cm, appearance as petiole; spathe erect, concave, arching over the spadix, broadly ovate, 9–29 × 4–20 cm, obtuse or acute, base shortly convolute, interior base smooth or with a few scattered, punctiform warts, exterior white or pale greenish white, rarely dark green, sometimes with paler, occasionally ring-like spots near the base, or flushed pale pinkish, the margin sometimes lined pinkish, interior pale greenish white without spots, limb exterior dirty creamy, sometimes with faint spotting, margin sometimes pale pinkish violet, interior creamy or pale greenish white, the margin sometimes pale pinkish violet; spadix much shorter than spathe, 3–18 cm long, stipitate, stipe 0.5–2.5 cm, pale green with whitish spots; pistillate flower zone cylindrical, slightly conical or obconical, 0.8–3.5 × 0.5–2 cm, flowers congested though sometimes loosely arranged in the lower part; ovaries globose, subglobose or depressed, circular or angular in outline, 2–4 × 2–2.5 mm, green, pale green, brownish green or purplish, near the style–insertion sometimes dirty creamy; style slender to shortly conical, straight or curved, 1–2.5 × 0.3–1 mm, base (articulation) thickened, green or dirty pale pinkish; stigma variable, usually distinctly broader than the style-diameter, disciform to subhemispherical, more rarely superficial, punctiform, circular or oval in outline, 0.6–1.2 × 0.4–0.6 mm, with a shallow central depression to clearly bilobed, pale yellowish or dirty brownish, lobes rounded, surface verrucate, staminate flower zone conical or fusiform-cylindrical, rarely obconical, sometimes (partly) laterally compressed, 1–4 cm × 6–35 mm, flowers congested; staminate flowers 3–5-androus, creamy white; connectives flat or with a ridge-like extension, either small or very large, maroon or dark brown; appendix ovate, conical or triangular-ovate, rarely subcylindrical, 3–11 × 1.5–5 cm, inflated, or strongly laterally compressed, obtuse, rarely acute, creamy white or pale pinkish, base strongly truncate, usually with a few broadly conical staminodes, surface smooth or verruculate, rarely entirely echinate, often with a few longitudinal, shallow or deep, broad folds, or irregularly folded throughout. Infructescence cylindrical or subglobose, 4–14 × 3.5–9 cm, axis of pistillate flower zone highly swollen, the dried staminate flower zone and appendix often remaining, as well as the dried spathe. Fruits ripening blue, or violet.
Thailand , Laos, N. Vietnam, S.W. China (type of A. yunnanensis).
Primary, evergreen or mixed evergreen/deciduous forest, on metamorphic bedrock, 100–3300 m asl.