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Anadendrum marcesovaginatum P.C.Boyce
Evergreen, medium-sized lianescent secondary hemiepiphyte to 2 m. Stem (adult) root-climbing. Leaves distichous scattered on climbing shoots, barely congested into loose fans at shoot tips where flowering events occur, these flowering modules soon overtopped by primary shoot reiteration and then displaced to appear morphologically lateral; petiole pulvinate apically, 12–20 cm long; petiolar sheath extending 4/5 length of the petiole, membranous but soon turning papery, then degrading into fibres before falling to leave a papery scar; leaf blade oblong-lanceolate, often somewhat falcate, weakly oblique, 22–25 × 8–9 cm, base cuneate, apex acuminate, apiculate, dark green above, paler below when fresh, drying black-brown above, very slightly paler below; primary lateral veins pinnate, ca 7 per side, running into marginal vein; interprimary veins slightly less prominent; higher order venation reticulate. Inflorescence 1–3 in each floral sympodium; peduncle spreading to declinate with the spadix erect, much shorter than to exceeding petiole, 4–7 cm long, each subtended by membranous, later papery cataphylls and the whole synflorescence subtended by several such cataphylls; spathe lanceolate, strongly rostrate and also contracted onto the stipe, gaping, then reflexed at anthesis, then soon caducous, ca 5 × 2.5 cm, very pale green; spadix stipitate; fertile portion2.5–3 × 0.5 cm, greenish white at anthesis, green afterwards; stipe 0.5 cm, green; flowers bisexual, perigone membranous, just exceeding the gynoecium; stamens with short, broadly linear filaments; anthers shorter than filaments; gynoecium obpyramidal, tetragonal, stylar region 3 × 3 mm, rhomboidal, truncate, stigma transverse–linear; fruit a subglobose truncate-topped berry, green when immature, bright glossy red with black stigmatic remains when ripe.