Amydrium hainanense (Araceae)
Stem cylindric, 3–4mm in diam.; internodes 2–3cm. Petiole 20–30cm, on juvenile branch only 4–5cm; sheath reaching base of leaf blade, base amplexicaul, marcescent; leaf blade green, after drying dark brown, ovate-lanceolate or falcate-lanceolate, 13–15cm on juvenile branch, on mature branch blade large, 28–35 × 9–12cm, papery, base rounded or subcordate, margin entire, apex abruptly acuminate; lateral veins 5–7 pairs, ascending and arched, each side along midrib with some large and some small perforations; perforations ovate or oblong, 4–6 × 1.5–4cm, sometimes reaching margin and midrib of leaf blade. Inflorescence solitary; peduncle dark brown when dry, cylindric, 8–10cm. Spathe yellow-red, broadly cymbiform, 8–5 × 8–9cm, apex shortly rostrate. Stipe of spadix 8–10mm; spadix cylindric, ca. 6 × 1.3cm. Stamens 6, shorter than ovary during female anthesis but filaments extending at male anthesis to bring thecae above pistils; filaments flat; anthers longitudinally dehiscent. Ovary hexagonal-cylindric, ca. 3 × 2.5mm, apex truncate; stigma sessile, longitudinally oblong, 1-loculed, 2-ovuled; ovules anatropous with short funicle, inserted on lower part of placenta.
This material was reprinted with permission from the Missouri Botanical Garden Press, St. Louis, and Science Press, Beijing.
Leaf blade with oblong perforations; spadix cylindric, ca. 6 × 1.3 cm; stigma oblong.
This material was reprinted with permission from the Missouri Botanical Garden Press, St. Louis, and Science Press, Beijing.
China: Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan, Hunan, Yunnan; N Vietnam.
Dense forests in valleys or by watersides, creeping against trees or over rocks.