Gonatopus petiolulatus (Peter) Bogner
Tuber subglobose, up to ± 8 cm. in diameter. LEAF 30-95 cm. long, shortly pilose to glabrous; petiole not distinctly developed; leaflets extending to ground-level; subterranean axis slightly thicker, forming basal cylindric pulvinus; blade oblanceolate in outline, 12-40 cm. broad at widest point, pinnately to bipinnately lobed; pinnae borne in opposite pairs; basal pairs reduced to tufts of oblanceolate to linear, long-stipitate foliar projections; ultimate leaflets of larger pinnae elliptic to oblanceolate, 6-20 cm. long, 2.5-6 cm. broad, glossy dark green on upper surface, shortly acuminate, those of large central pinnae decurrent, simple apical pairs cuneate, sessile or shortly petiolulate. INFLORESCENCE solitary. Peduncle 9-42 cm. long, 0.5-0.8 cm. in diameter, erect, terete, minutely pilose. Spathe 5-17.5 cm. long; tube broadly suburceolate, only slightly constricted at mouth, widely distant (by 3-5 mm.) from pistillate flowers, 1.5-3 cm. long, 1.3-2.7 cm. in diameter; limb oblong to oblong-elliptic, 3.5-14.5 cm. long, 2.2-5 cm. broad, reflexed, bright green, paler within, cuspidate, outer surface sometimes shortly pilose. Spadix 4.7-15 cm. long; staminate part cylindric to clavate, 3.2-11.5 cm. long, 0.7-1.1 cm. in diameter, cream, apex rounded, base slightly constricted; sterile intermediate part 0.2–0.4 cm. long, 0.3-0.8 cm. in diameter at narrowest part; pistillate part cylindric, 1-3 cm. long, 0.6-1.3 cm. in diameter. Pistillate flower with pale green tepals; ovary 2-locular, locules uniovulate, placentas at base of septum; stigma capitate-discoid, 1.5 mm. in diameter.