Anthurium lucorum Engl.
LEAVES: Petiole sulcate adaxially. Blade rigidly membranaceous or subcoriaceous, oblong-cordate, 50-70 cm long, 30-45 cm wide, posterior lobes semi-ovate, separated by a bell-shaped sinus, anterior lobe acute, four times longer than posterior lobes, basal primary lateral veins of the posterior lobes 5, joined together into short basal rib not denuded in the sinus, retrorse, towards the margin turning upwards and running out into the margin, interlobe vein patent in lower part then ascending, primary lateral veins of the anterior lobe consisting of one basal vein and 4-5 arising from the midrib, ascending, only the uppermost veins joining into a collective vein 4 mm distant from the margin. INFLORESCENCE: Spathe broadly lanceolate, 28 cm long, 6 cm wide, with a 3 cm long acumen. Spadix with a 7 mm long stipe, 28 cm long, 1.2 cm thick in lower part.