Anthurium lutescens Engl.
LEAVES: Petiole abaxially slightly keeled, adaxially broadly channelled at an acute angle, almost as long as the blade (about 55 cm long in the only specimen available), 5 mm thick basally, geniculum ca. 2 cm long. Blade subcoriaceous, ovate in outline, deeply cordate, 50 cm long, 35 cm wide basally, posterior lobes 2.5 times shorter than anterior lobe, semi-ovate, introrse, partially overlapping, anterior lobe narrowing by an extrorsely curved line, with a narrow, 1.5 cm long acumen, basal primary lateral veins six on each side, patent or recurved, joined into short basal ribs denuded for 2 - 3 cm in the oblong sinus, becoming strongly curved near the margin and running out into the margin; primary interlobe vein either parallel to the basal primary lateral veins or to the 6-7 primary lateral veins of the midrib in the anterior lobe, and joined with the latter into a collective vein very close to the margin, secondary lateral veins of the posterior lobes patent from the primaries and almost as thick as them. INFLORESCENCE: Peduncle ca. 60 cm long, angled. Spathe lanceolate, 18 cm long, 3.5 cm wide, green. Spadix sessile, 12 cm long, 1.3 cm thick basally. Tepals no longer than wide, 3.5 mm long and wide. Pistil conoid, ovary 1.5 times shorter than the conoid style.