Anthurium marmoratum Sodiro
Stem briefly scandent, 2.5-3 cm diam.; internodes short; cataphylls elongate-lanceolate, frequently overtopping internodes, cartilaginous, finally weathered. LEAVES: Petiole robust, 8-10 dm [80 - 100 cm] long, thick at the base, sheathed 1-1.5 dm [10 - 15 cm], unisulcate adaxially; geniculum 1.5-2.5 cm long; blades parchment-like, marbled above with spots of another color, green-glaucous below, elliptic-lanceolate, deeply cordate at the base, more than three times longer than wide, to 1 m long, 3 dm [30 cm] wide; posterior lobes retrorse, mildly convergent, 1/3-1/4 as long as anterior, a little longer than wide, merging into the anterior in a mildly convex line, [the anterior narrowed]; sinus acute; basal veins 5 pairs, all pairs protruding, sharp, 4 pairs of the posterior lobes decidedly arcuate toward the margin; the 2 uppermost basal veins, (the lowermost merging in the margin), together with 12-15 pairs of primary lateral [veins] arcuate-ascending, confluent into a collective vein, a little intramarginal, often interrupted. INFLORESCENCE: Peduncle about 1/2 as long as petiole, more slender, angled, spotted below; spathe membranous, elongate-lanceolate, yellowish, at anthesis equalling the spadix; spadix subsessile, elongate, cylindrical, mildly attenuate upward, flexible, pendulous, 2-3 dm [20 - 30 cm] long, 8-10 mm diam.; green, finally lead [bluish] or green-leadish; tepals cuneate, 11/2 times longer than wide; filaments cartilaginous; Anthers becoming red; ovary oblong-elliptic. INFRUCTESCENCE: Berries subobovoid, green; seeds subelliptic, truncate-retuse at the apex.