Anthurium maximiliani (Araceae)
LEAF blade rounded-ovate or nearly exactly rounded in outline for two thirds of its outline, then strongly contracted into the oblong upper third part which is sharply narrowed at the apex and obtuse, 50 cm long, nearly 30 cm wide between the second and third parts, posterior lobes oblong-semiovate, incurved, partly overlapping, making the mouth of the sinus subcordiform; 8 primary lateral veins arising from the base on each side, the lowermost joined into basal ribs long denuded in the sinus, primary lateral veins of the midrib 21 - 22, collective vein interrupted basally, but continuous apically, lying close to the blade margin. INFLORESCENCE: Peduncle 20 cm long. Spathe 15 cm long, 2 cm wide, linear-lanceolate, apex cuspidate-acuminate, suberect, decurrent at the base. Spadix slender, terete to conoid, with 3 - 4 cm long stipe, 15 cm long, 0.5 cm thick.