Anthurium maximum (Araceae)
Stem short. LEAVES: Petiole much shorter than blade, 5-keeled on abaxial side, geniculum short, oblong. Blade coriaceous, dark green adaxially, paler abaxially, oblong to obovate-oblong, gradually cuneate towards the base, apex acute, cuspidulate, margin wavy [undate], midrib very thick, adaxially keeled almost to the very base, primary lateral veins 14-16 on each side, thick, subparallel, decurrent onto the midrib, the uppermost diverging only slightly from midrib and then curved ('arrecto-arcuate'), forming into a collective vein somewhat distant from the margin. INFLORESCENCE: Peduncle irregularly and weakly 5-7 -angled, terete only at the apex, shorter than the leaf. Spathe broadly linear-lanceolate, shortly decurrent at the base. Spadix stem-like, sessile, lividly green. INFRUCTESCENCE: Berries shortly pyriform, deep red, 1 cm long, 4-5 mm wide apically, pericarp thin at the top. Seeds oblong, compressed, situated in the middle of the berry, 5 mm long, testa yellow, minutely verruculose.
Subequatorial Andine Province. Colombia, Cauca.