Anthurium miniatum (Araceae)
Stem scandent or short-scandent, 2.5-3 cm diam.; internodes 1-2 cm long; cataphylls cartilaginous, elongate-lanceolate, 2.5-3 dm long, slender, dropping off early, soon weathered. LEAVES: Petiole callose-thickened, short- and narrow- sheathed, erect, subcylindrical, trisulcate along the way, shorter than blade; blades cartilaginous, subconcolor, shiny, elongate-oval-cordate, about twice as long as wide, about 8 dm [80 cm] long, 4 dm [40 cm] wide; posterior lobes 1/4 as long as anterior lobe, retrorse, convergent; sinus ovate; anterior lobe short-acuminate; primary lateral veins of the posterior lobes prominent below, thicker, the outermost 5-6 retrorse, merging in the margin, 2 mm of the innermost interlobar and the 18-20 primary lateral veins joined into a collective vein close to the margin. INFLORESCENCE: Peduncle less than 1/2 as long as [more than twice as short as] petiole, erect, rigid, compressed on the way laterally, about 2 dm [20 cm] long; spathe attached obliquely, oblong-lanceolate, elongate, cuspidate, antrorsely slightly long-decurrent, not much overtopping flowering spadix; spadix cylindrical, about 2 dm [20 cm] long, 12 mm diam.; at anthesis Saturn-red, stipitate 3 cm, [the stipe] adnate below to the middle of the spathe; tepals 1/3 longer than wide; ovary ovoid, somewhat four-angled, extended into style [the style] callose, thickened.
Vulnerable (VU) Criteria: B1ab(iii)
Ecuador. Napo: between Papallacta and Cuyujua.