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Amorphophallus thaiensis (S.Y.Hu) Hett.
Tuber subglobose, 2–9 × 2–7 cm high, with several large, elongate-fusiform offsets ca 3.5 cm long. Leaf solitary; petiole 44–60 × 0.8–1 cm, smooth, olive-brown with indistinct slightly paler shades and scattered, dirty pale grey, elongate-elliptic or somewhat irregular spots; leaf blade with relatively few leaflets, 44–60 cm diam., rachises narrowly winged distally from the main branchings; leaflets elongate-elliptic, short acuminate, 3–18 × 2–8 cm diam., upper surface dark green, somewhat glossy. Inflorescence long-pedunculate; peduncle 11–40 × 0.7–1.5 cm, smooth, reddish brown with scattered, circular or rhombic, dirty whitish or dirty pale reddish brown spots; spathe cymbiform, 6.5–22 × 5–15 cm, elliptic, strongly concave, base shortly convolute, top acute, outside dirty greenish with or without a strong brownish purplish flush at the base or more extensively, especially in immature spathes, upper part sometimes dark green, with several scattered or congested, distinct or indistinct, small or large, partly confluent, dirty whitish or pale green spots in the lower part or all over, inside pale green, with a faint purplish hue near the base, lower margins narrowly purplish; spadix stipitate, shorter than spathe, 4.8–10 cm long (excl. stipe), stipe 7–10 mm long; pistillate flower zone cylindrical, 0.3–1.5 × 1.3–1.5 cm, flowers congested; ovaries obliquely depressed, 2––4 × 1––2 mm, bright pale green or maroon, unilocular; style 2–3 × ca 0.8 mm, straight or curved towards the spadix, bright pale green or maroon; stigma strongly depressed, 1––2 × ca 0.3 mm, bilabiate with an elongate central depression, the basiscopic margin entire or with one notch, the acroscopic margin usually strongly sinuous and/or notched, surface verruculate, dirty pale yellowish; staminate flower zone cylindrical, 1.5––2.5 × 1––1.5 cm, top slightly laterally compressed, flowers congested; staminate flowers 4–5-androus; stamens ca 3 mm long; filaments only basally connate, 2 mm long, white; anthers 1 × 1–2 mm, white, connective broad, often slightly depressed, pores slit-like, marginal, connecting to the sides by a groove; appendix ovoid to shortly conical, 2––6.5 × 1––4 cm, not or slightly laterally compressed, with or without one or two broad, longitudinally elongate depressions, top broadly obtuse, surface smooth, dirty white, with or without a pale purple flush. Infructescence 12 × 5 cm, berries slightly distant. Fruits elongate, 10–15 × 5–8 mm, ripening glossy bright blue.